This weekend, the promotions are shy, certainly to prepare the wallet for the Christmas promotions which should soon arrive. However, a few are still present:
To get started, you can grab free of charge the game Dead Space on Origin. For that, you can either go through the Origin software by going to the "free games" tab then in "Offered by Origin" or go directly to the Official website.
At Square Enix, you can get the Chistmas Surprise. For 6,49€, you will get a surprise selection of 6 Steam keys individual games of the best Square-Enix games as well as an assortment of discounts on the store, all worth 80 €. The keys will be sent on December 18 at 12 p.m., Paris time. To get the Chrismas Surprise, go to official shop de Square-Enix.
On Steam, for the modest sum of € 13,59 you can afford the Metro Redux Bundle, comprising Metro 2003 Redux as well as Metro: Last Light Redux. These two "Redux" versions are improved versions, including among others, the addition of game mode (Ranger and Hardcore mode), a gameplay overhaul as well as the transition to HD graphics.
Also on Steam, you can get the Double Fine Bundle, including 5 games for the sum of € 6,39. This bundle includes Brutal Legend, Costume Quest, Iron Brigade, Psychonauts, and Stacking.
Humblebundle also has its Advent Calendar. Every day, you can get no less than 500 titles at reduced prices by going directly to the Humble Store.
Finally, don't forget that every day until December 25, Games Managers offers you the opportunity to win many gifts thanks to its Advent calendar. To participate, simply go to the calendar page.