The Lodestone has delivered some information about the upcoming Alexander - Gordias sadist raiding series.
Update 3.05 implementing the raid will take place on July 21 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., spanish time. It will be divided into two parts, the second will be deployed on July 23 and will contain some adjustments for the Hand and Earth disciplines as well as the "red craftsman assignat" and "red harvester assignat".
To access the sadistic mode of Alexander, you must meet several conditions:
- be level 60 in a discipline of war or magic,
- have completed the quests "The Treasure of Roundrox" and "The Ballad of the Scourge of Ultima".
These conditions met, please contact Ménestrel errant to Mor Dhona (21,8) to start the quest "The ballad of the mechanical giant".
A team of 8 players will be required to enter the Raid. The team trained, it will be necessary to address Redbrix in the Dravanian hinterland (23,26).
Alexander is made up of 4 raids. When you complete one, you will have to wait until the following week to return.
As with Bahamut, you will be able to help players who have not yet completed one of the raids, even if you have already completed it on your own.
On the rewards side, you will be able to obtain pieces of equipment but also tomes of the Gordian manifesto. These are to be exchanged for equipment. You can only get them once per week per raid.
If you help players complete a raid that you have already completed, the rewards will be reduced and you yourself will not be able to get more for the week:
- between 1 and 4 players have already completed the raid: a single treasure chest,
- between 5 and 7 players have already completed the raid: no treasure chest,
- players completing the raid for the first time will still have a tome of the Gordian manifesto.
Good luck to all for the conquest of Alexander - Gordias as a sadist!