The new extension of Lord of the Rings Online, Le Gouffre de Helm, has just been announced: it will be available november 18. This is the sequel to the previous expansion that took place in Rohan and in which players were able to accommodate the shenanigans of Saruman at the top of his Tower of Isengard. Entitled The Deep of Helm, this latest expansion to the SDAO can be pre-ordered now by those who would like to benefit from some exclusive goodies.
In this new opus, new lands to explore thanks to the expansion of the epic quest and regional quests, Ouestemnet, Dunharrow, Edoras and Fort-le-Cor, but players will also find important changes to the way the game works. game itself, especially with the creation of talent trees, the passage from level 85 to 95 level, new skills ...
Two pre-order offers are now available:
- BASIC EDITION - $ 39,99, € 35,99
- Includes all content from Helm's Deep, including the level cap increase. Plus the following goodies:
- Hammerfist Hauberk - an exclusive Rohirrim ornamental breastplate
- Title of Gouffre de Helm: Executor of Helm
- 1000 points Turbine
- Fort-le-Cor token (+ 25% on monster XP)
- The Hammer Fist mount - an exclusive Rohirrim mount
- PREMIUM EDITION - $ 59,99; € 53,99
- Includes all content from Helm's Deep, including the level cap increase. Plus the following goodies:
- Hammer Fist Armor - a complete set of exclusive rohirrim ornamentation armor.
- +10 quest log slots
- Crystal of Memory - adds an additional legacy to your legendary weapon
- Title of Gouffre de Helm - Executor of Helm
- Title of Gouffre de Helm - Vengeur de Helm
- 2000 points Turbine
- Hammer Fist Shield (cape granting bonus, + 25% to XP, adapts to player level)
- Exclusive War Mount Pack (the Hammer Fist mount) - an exclusive Rohirrim mount with a matching war mount skin
Obviously, I dove on the Premium offer even if I'm a little ashamed to spend so much money on a game supposed to be free ^^ I also took the opportunity to take the opportunity of an exclusive linked offer pre-order, namely the group purchase of all previous extensions for the modest sum of € 19.99. All of them, yeah: we are passionate or we are not! And suddenly I no longer have any restraint on my acute rerolitte since not only will all my characters be able to equip the object + 25% to experience at all times (hin hin hin), but each of them will benefit from all first levels of his own mount! And as I had already bought the + 78% speed boost (found to be too expensive for many but reasonable for large casu), I am not telling you the enormous time savings that this already makes for leveling 1 to 85.
Lord of The Rings Online is a game published by Turbine for 7 years which has managed to maintain a large pool of players, passionate, and which deserves to be discovered despite the indisputable obsolescence of its characters (never seen more beautiful scenery on the other hand - Moria, beautiful! What an atmosphere! - other than Guild Wars 2). Will you be part of it? ^^
Good game !