DragoDino is a cute platform developed by the young spanish studio TealRocks, released on June 20, 2017.
DragoDino is therefore a very cute platform that puts us in command of a young dragon daddy named Bob who goes in search of a DragoDino egg that has been stolen.

So here we are on an adventure through several levels to reach the egg! DragoDino offers levels that require you to climb higher and higher through the levels. To do this, Bob (the name of the papounet dragon) will have to collect crystals in order to increase his jumping ability to be able to move to the next level, and so on until the end of the stage. The crystals are in the possession of the enemies, and you will have to kill them to get them back.
To do this, Bob has many abilities, such as jumping of course, but also the possibility of throwing energy balls and hovering!
During the adventure, we can also find bonuses that will help us to be more powerful, resistant or granting additional abilities. There are three types: assets, liabilities, and consumables.
- The workers are those that allow you to give new skills, such as protective shields for example.
- The passive are those that increase basic skills, for example, stronger firepower for energy balls or else greater range.
- As to consumables, these are items that can only be used once and can heal little Bob as well as allow him to launch a big attack (such as freezing and slowing enemies around him, for example).
These bonuses can be found in the level or by visiting a merchant:

By going through the levels, it will also be possible to recover fragments (4 in number per level) which allow you to unlock fragments of the story and learn more about the world of DragoDino.

DragoDino currently owns 10 levels, generated randomly, which provides excellent replayability. The game also offers several characters each in two colors and it is even possible to play it in local co-op!
Depending on the type of dragon you take, its characteristics will change. Thus, you can have a dragon with all the abilities evenly distributed ("jump", "life" and "speed") or a dragon with a lot of health, but a low speed for example.

The game may seem very easy at first, but gets pretty tough the further you go. The enemies becoming more and more powerful, deceitful and devious! We go from simple enemies who are content to move to enemies igniting and jumping in all directions, attacking in several directions at the same time or being able to make feints, like attacking on one side and then turning around. to attack the other, without warning.
There are also two difficulty modes. The first, the "Normal" offers 3 lives and allows you to start over at the level where you died. The second, the " difficult ", offers only one life and has no save points, which will make you start over from the beginning!

DragoDino is a great indie game! Co-op mode is really fun, although it's a bit unfortunate that it's only available locally. The game is very easy to learn, but requires constant attention as you advance in the adventure. The story that develops over the objects discovered through the levels also allows good replayability, especially since with the random generation of the levels, said objects change their location each time!
In short, it would be a shame to deprive this little game!