In this post, we are going to introduce Bob Was Hungry, a dynamic platform game that can be quite frustrating.
The story of the game is quite simplistic. You play as Bob, a fur ball, searching for food since time immemorial. At first, it was pretty straightforward for him and his ship. Over time, food becomes scarce and less and less accessible. Because of his hunger, Bob and his ship crash into a planet, but luckily for him this planet contains food but also traps.
Like a Super Meat Boy which only contains a solitary mode, Bob was hungry contains several game modes:
- Solo: As the name suggests, you play solo
- Coop: You play with one or more players (8 maximum)
- Co-op with shared life: If one person dies, everyone dies
- Single Race: Race against your friends to find out who is the best
- Survival Race: You only have one life for this race

Let's talk about the game now. Whether on the keyboard or the controller (Xbox and PS compatible), you only have 3 groups of buttons: the keys to move Bob, a key to jump and another to give a boost to the character (Dash). The dash will be used to jump higher and further to avoid certain obstacles.
There is no point of life in Bob was hungry, and if you get hit, you start all over again. In single co-op mode, you can respawn on one of your allies. This makes the game much easier because if one of your teammates manages to pass, everyone passes. If everyone dies at the same time or without reappearing, it's back to square one.
In each level, a bottle is hidden. It is not necessary to complete the level but is used as for the star system in Candy Crush or Angry Birds, a kind of performance indicator. You will also receive at the end of the level a piece of food corresponding to your performance (deaths, total time, etc.).
Regarding the content of the game, you can find the following things:
- 170 levels broken down into two modes: normal and hard (which is really hard)
- Steam Achievements and Cards

To conclude, Bob was hungry is a fairly demanding game in terms of precision and patience. Thanks to the normal mode, you will be able to learn the different mechanics of the game (time limit button, grinder, ...).
The real challenge is on the other hand in the difficult mode where your talent will have to express itself. This one is comparable to the Inferno mode of Super Meat Boy. Between delicate passages and sharp traps, Bob was hungry is a game that will make you have a good time especially with several people.