Accessible from level 24 via the epic, the Thousand Maws of Toto-rak is the 5th dungeon.
Your first objective will activate the magitek terminal in the Cell of the Deprived and you will need Magitek cell to do it. These Cells can be found in different places in the dungeon. They are not very difficult to spot, you just have to look around.

Loyalty card

You will find a chest in a small room:
With your 4 magitek cells in your pocket, you can activate the magitek portal in the Rest of the Helpless. A boss will appear. The latter loves to poison you, the healer at work!

On the way to second objective ! This time it will be the portal located at Fool's rest that will have to be activated. As with the first one, you will need the magitek cells. Some are hidden, others are on enemies. You do not have to take the path starting from the North of the Rest of the Destitute. You should find enough Magitek Cells by continuing east.

Don't forget to explore the rooms at the end of the path, there is a chest waiting for you there.

We are rich
Another little magitek cell !
And another chest in this small room:
And one more magitek cell, let's be crazy !
Let's not forget the chest in the recess of this path:
Hope we aren't too scared of spiders. As you progress, your group will be separated for a few seconds: a sticky canvas obstruct your path. A few small taps will suffice to destroy it.
There are also these charming otyugh cocoons that explode when you pass by. Trigger them with a ranged attack. You will also notice that the soil is viscous and greenish in places. Don't panic, it just slows you down. Well, it's still disgusting!

Should clean up here ... Yuck!
You finally arrive at Fool's rest ! Activate the magitek terminal to face a new boss. Like the first, it uses a lot of poisons. In addition, other ugly plants will bother you.

You are ready to go to thefinal goal : open the torture chamber door. Along the way you will have other chests to open.

You have arrived at the final boss, Graffias ! This one requires a bit more strategy than usual. We must first explode the otyugh cocoons in order to make some room in the room. Others will appear during the fight. It is therefore preferable to ask your DPS to clean up well before rushing towards the main enemy.
Des acarus will join the fun in addition to the cocoons. Do not neglect them.
Halfway through his life, Graffias will get angry. His sting becomes a new target. It will have to be destroyed quickly: Graffias uses it to pose damage zones on the ground. Be careful not to stay in it, it stings.
Non-exhaustive list of loot:
- Arms
- Purple wave
- Owl bow
- Kple Kple
- Howling Talons
- Fang of the Sea King
- Fighters
- Ethereal Ibex Leather Belt
- Ethereal Reinforced Iron Sallet
- Ethereal Cotton Sports Bras
- Bandit Gloves
- Doublet arming a brigand
- Nightjar Head Cover
- All classes
- Ethereal Cotton Dress
- Ethereal Ibex Leather Satchel Belt
- Magi
- Ascetic short robe
- Ethereal Iron Elmo
- Guardian Gauntlets