The Fan Festival is currently taking place at Las Vegas and we were entitled to information on the expansion planned for spring 2015. More details will be revealed on 25 October during the London Fan Festival.
Here is a summary of all the novelties planned in the more or less long term:
- Ishgard will open in 3.0.
- Levels increased to level 60 (fighter, crafting, and harvester).
- Giant areas, including Dravanian Forelands and Forest
- Races.
- Multiples jobs.
- Primordials (including a completely new one for FFXIV).
- Recipes and equipment for leveling up.
- Construction of your personal aircraft within your free company.
- Access to the area behind Coerthas
- Barbarian tribes including the Dravania.
- Islands that float accessible only by aircraft apparently.
- High level raids that will once again pay homage to the old Final Fantasy.

Here's the trailer:
Presentation of the two new zones in video:

What do you think ?