In order to avoid possible minor disappointments, here are some tips that you may want to know before you start if the game is still new to you.
- Character creation
- Start playing
- Bulk tips
Character creation
Do not seek the choice of race or sex, the latter are imposed. However, there are some nuances depending on the class. Thus the Magician and the Magician have identical skills while the Warrior and the Valkyrie have a certain number of differences.
The clothes and the lighting are only there to allow you to get an idea of the appearance of your character according to the weather conditions (and clothing as a result). In addition, the game offers a system of costume, advanced display / masking and others (like helmet visor down or not) so don't be too formal.

- Last name matches your account name, so choose carefully the first time. It appears below your character's name.
- There is a 24 hour delay to delete a character.
- The first 13 levels go very quickly (a quarter of an hour), do not hesitate to try a class a bit if you are in doubt.
- The constellation is used for conversations with NPCs, beyond a possible optimization interest, or to have a different one on each of your characters, take what you feel.
Start playing
First, a quick overview of the interface:
- On the left: your level and your progress for the next one. On the right, from top to bottom, the same goes for your skill points, your amount of energy and your contribution points.
- Your mount, if it is out, your dwellings, your workers (should therefore not appear if it is your first character).
- The notifications (skill points available…) and, following them, the indicator of your contribution / energy investment at the corner of the corner.
- Your profile window (P).
- On the left, the "play" button offers video tutorials, the magnifying glass opens the search menu (sometimes very useful and efficient). On the right, at the top, the environmental indicators (hardness of the soil, humidity of the atmosphere).
- Your inventory and your equipment (I), the size of the inventory increases with certain quests, and the latter takes into account the weight of the objects (indicator at the bottom of the window).
- Your health and mana bar (or other type of resource) and, below, your action bar (K for the skill window).
Black Desert only offers a limited number of shortcuts for your skills. However, for the vast majority of them, there is a key combination that triggers them, whether the skill in question is present in your bar or not. It is also strongly recommended to use (and therefore learn) these combinations if you do not want to quickly feel cramped.
Some loose tips
- No compliant target verification. Thus, using a skill while you are too far away, or the target cannot be affected, will fail and begin its cooldown.
- There is a temporary immunity "Joker" skill (V by default).
- It is possible to switch the action bar to free mode to modify its layout (Esc then Configuration-> Game).
- Be careful, the inventory is limited in place but also in weight, including potions and money. So remember to deposit your fortune in storage spaces before exceeding your limit (how to push the limit).
- If you find yourself lost, the search tool (the magnifying glass to the left of the minimap) is very effective, do not hesitate to overuse it.
- There is a configurable shortcut to enable / disable the mouse pointer. However, moving your character will automatically deactivate it and the reverse will happen if you open an interface window (like inventory for example).
- The level of monsters is not displayed but the color of their name indicates the difference from yours (find out more).
- Activating a node with your contribution points, or even your energy, increases your chances of loot in the area of the node in question (see the detailed article).
Feel free to make suggestions for any additions, as long as it concerns the first hour of play! It is often when we start that questions come to us.