During the last NicoNico Chokaigi 3 event in Japan, the composer and sound director, Masayoshi Soken, briefly explained how the music for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn was designed. At the same time, we learned that he had put his voice on the music of Leviathan and that many players had asked him for the words. In order to avoid bad interpretations, he shares all the lyrics with us.
Leviathan, Leviathan, Eternal!
Leviathan, Leviathan, absolute!
Leviathan, Leviathan, throbbing!
Leviathan, Leviathan, immortal!
Leviathan, Leviathan, disturbing!
Leviathan, Leviathan, put us to the test!
Leviathan, Leviathan, show us the way!
Leviathan, Leviathan, heal us!
Drifting in this kingdom, almighty
Abandoned, shedding crystalline tears
You come down from the firmament
And hides the moon of its pallor
Leviathan, Leviathan, Eternal!
Leviathan, Leviathan, absolute!
Leviathan, Leviathan, throbbing!
Leviathan, Leviathan, immortal!
Leviathan, Leviathan, disturbing!
Leviathan, Leviathan, put us to the test!
Leviathan, bring us to our knees!
Leviathan, Leviathan, ready to tear us to pieces!
Leviathan, Leviathan, avenger!
Leviathan, Leviathan, penitent!
Leviathan, Leviathan, absolute!
Leviathan, Leviathan, deliver us!
Silence slowly falls
Like a prayer that has not found an answer
From the depths of the abyss, wake up
You, the white fury, the blinding azure
Unleash the seas of yesteryear, Leviathan, Leviathan
Control the strength of the tides, Leviathan, Leviathan
Dominate the ardor of the currents, Leviathan, Leviathan
And swallow up the world, Leviathan, Leviathan
If you don't remember the tune, you have it at the very beginning and end of the video.