For the brave who want to walk on the battlefield with a bow, here is a small guide.
Above all, know that the arc is reserved for players Premium. If you are unfamiliar with the Phantom Missions, go to the battlelog leaderboard. At the bottom left of the screen you will see a small skull. Just click on it and enter the correct ones Passwords. You must already successfully complete the first three missions:
Phantom Prospect. Password: bumpinthenight
Kill 200 people with an assault rifle. Kill 200 people with a Tank. Total 300 yards of headshot.
Phantom Trainee. Mot de passe: epic dream worlds
Kill 200 people with a pistol. Kill 20 people with a plane. Have 2 shotgun ribbons in the same round.
Phantom Initiate. Password: 24344241893
Kill 200 people with an LMG. Kill 50 people with explosives. Kill 25 people by crushing them.
You will then unlock respectively: a dogtag, a weapon camouflage and a character camouflage. They will be needed to have the arch.
Now go to the maps of Final Stand. New objective: the hunt for dogtags. Hidden in small white boxes, they won't be easy to find. Do not hesitate to equip yourself with a thermal sight to locate them more easily. There is a different one for each card. Fortunately, the community has identified the majority of hiding places here.
Once you've found your dog tag, it's time to manage your gear. It is important to equip you with the Phantom Initiate dogtag, the Phantom Trainee and Initiate camouflages and of course the dogtag that you will have found on one of the new maps.
Last stop for you on hangar 21. In the hangar northeast of the map you'll find an open elevator that refuses to activate.
To activate it, you need 4 people with all the Phantom equipment (dogtag and camouflages) and a different dogtag from the 4 new cards.
If you meet all of these prerequisites, then the elevator button will light up. You will begin your descent towards the arch. During this phase, the elevator lights will go out several times. If, once re-ignited, one of the occupants is dead, one of the prerequisites has been forgotten.
At the bottom, a force field blocks your access to the arch which taunts you on the other side. Do not panic ! A digital code is there to give you access to the precious loot.
Now type the code: 1290 429 397648 970
And There you go ! The bow is now yours!
But beware, it's not over. The bow is not the reward for the last Phantom mission. This is just the tool you need to be successful, so don't leave the room and rummage on a shelf to receive your orders. Press E to interact with them and receive the last mission in the game.
Congratulations, you are on your way to becoming a real Phantom. You just need to kill 200 people with the bow and get 50 headshots. Once this is done, you will unlock the ultimate dogtag for the Phantom mission.