A festive atmosphere, music until the end of the night ... This is the scene that we imagine when talking about a Bard while they fully master their bow. In the past, their songs dispelled fear, served as a prayer for victory, and paid homage to fallen combatants on the battlefield. It is also rumored that songs could terrorize enemies.
- The Bard is a ranged damage job but can also provide support to the group through his chants (his Transcendence has the same effects as that of a Healer).
- To unlock this job, you will need to be a level 30 Archer and a level 15 Pugilist.
- Actions
- Features
- Talents
The Bard has the Archer's actions:
- Nv.1: Powerful archery
- Lv. 2: Straight shot
- Lv. 4: Furious Shot
- Nv.6: Poisonous bite
- Lv.8: Completion
- Lv. 10: Shadow Shackle
- Lv. 12: Bleeding
- Lv. 15: Repelling Shot
- Lv. 18: Lightning Bolt
- Lv. 22: Quick Song
- Lv. 26: Falcon's Eye
- Lv. 30: Bite of the Wind
- Lv. 34: Silent Strike
- Lv. 38: Flurry of Blows
- Lv. 42: Traumatic Arrow
- Lv. 46: Flaming Arrow
- Lv.50: Merciless Blast
And actions specific to the job:
- Lv. 30: Ballad of the Mage
- Lv. 35: Enemy Requiem
- Lv.40: Pean Martial
- Lv. 45: Deadly Rain
- Lv.50: Combat Voice
- Nv.52: Menuet du vagabond
- Lv. 54: Empyrean Arrows
- Lv. 56: Iron Jaws
- Lv. 58: Pean of the Contemplator
- Lv.60: Poisonous Wind
- Lv.8: Improved Mighty Archery
- Lv.14: Improved Dexterity
- Lv16: Improved Dexterity II
- Lv.20: Damage of actions increased
- Lv. 24: Improved Venom Bite
- Lv. 28: Improved Furious Shot
- Lv32: Improved Dexterity III
- Lv. 36: Improved Lightning Bolt
- Lv.40: Damage of actions increased II
- Lv. 44: Improved Flurry of Blows
- Lv. 48: River of Blood
- Hastmaster Lv. 2: Feint
- Hastmaster Lv. 6: Defensive Volley
- Master of Hast Lv. 22: Motivation
- Hastmaster Lv. 34: Thoroughbred
- Pugilist Lv. 4: Light Feet
- Pugilist Lv.8: Second Breath
- Pugilist Lv. 10: Haymaker
- Pugilist Lv. 12: Inner Release
- Pugilist Lv. 42: Mantra