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There are four different classes to play in Battlefield 4: Assault, Scout, Engineer and Support. Each of these classes have different weapons and equipment.
Each class has its own role to play in the game. The player Assault will have to play in the first line in order to be the spear of your team. TheScout will provide long-distance support while theEngineer will use his gadgets to counter enemy vehicles and repair those of his friends. The Support meanwhile, is there to disturb the enemy's vision by firing non-stop thanks to its large ammunition capacities and by supplying its allies but also by trapping enemy vehicles. All these roles are important to play so that the team is complete but we will tackle here to two support roles : Dynamic - Suppression that I master.
There are obviously other tactics such as melee, mortar, ... But here are presented two of my builds and my game vision on their subjects.
Roles and Gameplay
As a Dynamic, your role will be to move constantly on the battlefield in order to bring aid to your allies.
As Suppression, you will stay more often on the spot to defend certain strategic points instead of engaging in frontal combat.
Each of these two roles have very different styles of play and can obviously offer different variations, each to their own way of playing. I think that to fulfill its role of support and with respect to the equipment offered, two main axes stand out. I will therefore detail them for you in order to guide you as best as possible towards these key roles, pillars of a team acting together.
Dynamic sound feeling
Armed with a weapon with a high hip fire, Dynamic Supporters will have to act with the front lines to provide them with support while the allies break through the lines. You always need someone to cover and that someone will be you. A Support has a large stock of ammunition, it can thus destabilize the enemies in front so that your allies pass without being shot or even without being noticed.
A flagship weapon of this role is the QBB-95-1. Don't forget to change weapon modes and switch from multiple shots to single shots in order to gain precision.
With a few upgrades, you can be as effective as Medium and even Long Range Assaults. Do not hesitate to provide ammunition, cover your allies and keep your eyes wide open because, as this class indicates, you will have to be very efficient in movement, take cover and not make too much noise during your movements.
Avoid attacking from the front and prefer to go around enemies to attack them from the flank.
Armed with a weapon with a large ammunition capacity and a somewhat greater range than Dynamics, Suppression Support will have to act with caution as they will have to be the ones to fire first. Not very mobile and requiring a little preparation time before firing, the Suppression Supporters place their tripods against low walls or directly on the ground, so they will not have to move, becoming vulnerable. A mid-height, camouflaged position is very appropriate. Protect a point when you have spotted approaching enemies and don't stay lying down or Suppressed for too long. Always tell yourself that an enemy has seen you and wants to get around you by attacking you from behind. Stay at maximum 20/25 seconds if you have no one in sight. A Support has a large stock of ammunition, it can thus destabilize the enemies in front so that your allies pass without being shot or even without being noticed.
A flagship weapon of this role is the M240B.
With some improvements, you can be very effective in point protection. You will shoot fast and far with unmatched recoil and precision thanks to your tripod. Do not hesitate to provide some ammunition, cover your allies and know how to hide yourself from the eyes of your enemies.
Dynamic Equipment
Primary weapon
As a Dynamic Support, you will start like everyone else with theU-100 MK5. Get your fangs right with this gun then move on to the LSAT which has a higher rate of fire despite its small lack of Stability (accuracy and recoil on rapid multiple shots) compared to the U-100 MK5. After LSAT comes the excellent QBB-95-1 which turns out to be murderous and more once the changes are made! This weapon really has it all and is in my opinion the best in dynamic play Support. You can also use the RPK-12 if you have unlocked it. It has less ammo in the magazine but recharges much faster than the QBB-95-1.
► Comparison QBB-95-1 VS RPK-12 ◄
▲ Glasses:
You will equip your primary weapon in this way:
- Short range:
- HD-33 [x1] : Very useful thanks to its wide opening, easy to follow the movement of targets;
- IRNV [x1] : The essential night vision, to use if it's dark in order to be a monster of the frag. Watch out for enemies with lamps, you will be blinded;
- FLIR [x2]: thermal vision + magnification lens for daytime use if you like to easily spot your targets. Requires some gaming experience to be used effectively. Watch out for enemies with lights, you won't see anything in the viewfinder.
- Medium range:
- JGM-4 [x4] : You will easily calculate the distance to your target and thus the angle to hit your target. Remember that the ball has a point, and when it loses speed, it falls slowly. If you shoot at a distant point while aiming with the center, you will fall below. It is therefore necessary to increase the angle of fire, to raise its sight upwards;
- PSO-1 [x4] : If you are good at shooting angle and shooting distance, take the PSO-1 which is smaller on screen and offers a bit more vision. I still prefer the JGM-4.
Once again, don't forget to change the multi-shot to single-shot weapon mode when you need medium and long range accuracy.
▲ Accessories:
Le Laser sight improves your guessing accuracy but know how to use it. The enemy sees your laser and spots you very easily if the beam hits their eye. Likewise, do not wait in front of a door with your laser on ... How many players I was able to kill because we could see their laser on the opposite wall. Turn it on and off when needed. It is quite essential knowing that the weapons of the Support do not have a very high precision.
You can also use the Laser-Lamp combo but you will not be able to deactivate them.
▲ Canon:
There is nothing to think about, it is the Heavy cannon because it greatly increases the Accuracy. It also lowers the stability a bit but ...
▲ Under the barrel:
... This penalty is greatly reduced by the Inclined Handle.
Secondary weapon
A handgun of your choice, I do not focus the guide on this type of weapon.
As a Support I have often found myself helpless against armored vehicles. It will therefore be necessary to guard against this problem.
→ If you are playing solo, without knowing the other players, go on C4 + Ammo Pack. Remember that the C4 can land on the ground like a mine, you don't have to move to the tank to land it on! If this one comes towards you and you are sure of where it will go, do not hesitate!
→ If you play with friends and that one of them is an engineer, forget the C4 and take the XM25 AirBurst in order to see in the dark and throw a ton of small effective grenades or the MP-APS if you are playing with a tanker friend who is not moving too much. Otherwise take the XM25 Dart to have some sort of efficient short-range shotgun.
Note: The C4s are mainly used on the sides but even better, behind vehicles. Easy to hold against a 100% life vehicle: 2C4 for light vehicles, 3C4 for heavy vehicles (1C4 for quads: D). 2C4 may be enough for a heavy knocked down and from behind.
→ The basic M67 FRAG is nice but take the 3 V40 Mini if you know it. It is better to have three small ones rather than one medium one.
→ The FlashBang can also be very effective as a dynamic player but ditch the smoke which really doesn't last long enough to be enjoyed.
I prefer the Defensive in order to be more resistant and enduring. If you are very good and don't get too affected, then take theOmbre.
If you play as a team, why not take Indirect shooting if you are using mortar + ammunition or even Defensive perimeter if your friends are Scouts or not very mobile.
Equipment Removal
Primary weapon
As a Suppression Support, you will start like everyone else with theU-100 MK5. Get your fangs right with this gun then move on to the LSAT which has a higher rate of fire despite its small lack of Stability (accuracy and recoil on rapid multiple shots) compared to the U-100 MK5. After the LSAT comes the PKP PECHENEG with which you will get used to handling heavy weapons and their essential tripods. Two choices are then available to you:
- Le M240B if you play medium / long range → Fire small bursts (3 to 5 shots) murderous and precise successively to shoot down your distant targets. Count 40 damage per successful shot. On 100 health if your enemy is at max health, two to three bullets will be enough. Do not delay too much between bursts because he will obviously be warned of your intention as soon as your first burst is sent;
- Le MG4 if you play exclusively medium range → Despite its damage of 30 per successful shots, the MG4 has a breathtaking rate of fire + 400 ammunition (200 per magazine!). With the tripod, do not hesitate and swing the sauce at medium range. Accuracy, high DPS (damage / rate of fire ratio) and almost zero recoil. The advantage is that you will be able to shoot more efficiently when changing firing locations thanks to its slightly higher guessing than the M240B.
► Comparison M240B VS MG4 ◄
▲ Glasses:
- Short range:
- HD-33 [x1] : Very useful thanks to its wide opening, easy to follow the movement of targets.
- IRNV [x1] : The essential night vision, to use if it's dark in order to be a monster of the frag. Watch out for enemies with lamps, you will be blinded.
- FLIR [x2]: thermal vision + magnification lens for daytime use if you like to easily spot your targets. Requires some gaming experience to be used effectively. Watch out for enemies with lights, you won't see anything in the viewfinder.
- Medium range:
- JGM-4 [x4] : You will easily calculate the distance to your target and thus the angle to hit your target. Remember that the ball has a point, and when it loses speed, it falls slowly. If you shoot at a distant point while aiming with the center, you will fall below. It is therefore necessary to increase the angle of fire, to raise its sight upwards.
- PSO-1 [x4] : If you are good at shooting angle and shooting distance, take the PSO-1 which is smaller on screen and offers a bit more vision. I still prefer the JGM-4.
Don't just shoot around and know how many bullets you need to shoot to kill your targets. On the contrary, if you are there to protect your allies and provide them with cover ... don't count your bullets too much, this is called suppressing fire and it plays into enemy gameplay. He will seek to hide, allowing your allies to advance. Obviously, seek to kill the enemy and shoot very close to them to bring them down and / or make them understand that their location is not safe. He will thus move, coming out of his cover.
▲ Accessories:
Le Laser sight improves your judgmental accuracy but know how to use it. The enemy sees your laser and is very easy to spot you if the beam hits their eye. Likewise, do not wait in front of a door with your laser on ... How many players I was able to kill because we could see their laser on the opposite wall. Turn it on and off when needed. It is quite essential knowing that the weapons of the Support do not have a very high precision.
You can also use the combo Laser-Lamp but you will not be able to deactivate them.
▲ Canon:
→ M240B : There is nothing to think about, it is the Heavy cannon because it greatly increases the Accuracy. Great range demands great precision. Don't shoot like a barbarian, like I told you, the M240B asks to be used in short bursts.
→ MG4 : Here we use the Flash hider. Your basic accuracy is already good, the flash hider penalty is thus balanced. In addition, you are closer to enemies and thus easily spotted. This gun allows you to shoot without seeing the flames of the shots ... Knowing that you have an extremely high rate of fire here, it is essential.
▲ Under the barrel:
Tripod for both weapons.
Secondary weapon
A handgun of your choice, I do not focus the guide on this type of weapon.
As a Support I have often found myself helpless against armored vehicles. It will therefore be necessary to guard against this problem.
→ If you are playing solo, without knowing the other players, go on C4 + Ammo crate. Remember that the C4 can land on the ground like a mine, you don't have to move to the tank to land on it! If this one comes towards you and you are sure of where it will go, do not hesitate! You can alternate the C4 by Claymores... but be careful where you put them because your allies can also eat them and there it is! punish stupid for sure because he will not have looked where he is walking.
→ If you play with friends and that one of them is an engineer, forget the C4 and take the XM25 Dart in order to have some sort of very effective short range shotgun. Otherwise take the XM25 AirBurst to have night vision and blasts. You can use the AirBurst only for its night vision to spot your hidden targets, then pick up your primary weapon to fire.
Note: The C4s are mainly used on the sides but even better, behind vehicles. Easy to hold against a 100% life vehicle: 2C4 for light vehicles, 3C4 for heavy vehicles (1C4 for quads: D). 2C4 may be enough for a heavy knocked down and from behind.
→ The basic M67 FRAG is nice but take the 3 V40 Mini if you know it. It is better to have three small ones rather than one medium one.
→ The Hand rocket doesn't look like much ... But in front of you when a sniper tries to target you is extremely effective! Snipers often use night vision or infrared vision, so you can neutralize them and have a little time to escape. Don't fight a sniper, he'll get you every time. Run away.
I prefer the Defensive in order to be more resistant and enduring. If you are very good and don't get too affected, then take theOmbre.
If you play as a team, why not take Indirect shooting if you are using mortar + ammunition or even Defensive perimeter if your friends are Scouts or not very mobile.
Note this very useful site (Symthic BF4) if you wish compare weapons very precisely or even better to appreciate the changes brought about by guns and gun coils.
Hope this guide has enlightened you a bit about the Support role, have a very good day! Do not hesitate, you too to offer us your guides classes, vehicles, weapons, and more in BattleField 4!