As the 'High Finance and Dodgy' update has been in full swing in Los Santos for the past week and the latter is overrun with opportunistic CEOs looking to expand their organization, a new rivalry mode has also emerged: "Who go hunting ... »Today, three new maps are available for this mode!
These three new maps take place in different locations around the city, straining players.
- Who goes hunting ... IV - Little Seoul.
- Who goes hunting ... V - Lost Club in Grapeseed.
- Who goes hunting ... VI - Harmony site.
From today until June 20, many promotions are available on GTA Online as well as new items to purchase.
Red interior jacket and pajamas with Arabesques
Both of these outfits are automatically unlocked if you log into GTA Online before June 20.
When your day of hard work is over, you have just one thing in mind: to take it easy in your office sipping a glass of contraband Bleuter while playing a game of Guidelines. And there's nothing like the red arabesque pajamas and matching indoor jacket to let everyone know you've given enough for the day.
50% off bulletproof tires and 25% off car armor
A flat tire puts an end to the chases. And a plastic car will not protect you from the many bursts of assault rifles and other weapons of war!
25% discount on the Annihilator helicopter
The Annihilator helicopter can be purchased through the Elitas Travel website for 25% less. The latter has four miniguns and is the ideal weapon to defeat your rivals' cargoes of goods.
25% promotions at AMMU-Nation
Before you get hired by one of Los Santos' new CEOs, you need to be well equipped. AMMU-Nation has thought about it and offers 25% reduction on the following weapons and equipment:
- Weapons:
- Rifle / Assault rifle / Compact rifle / Automatic pistol / Submachine gun / Heavy shotgun / Combat ADP.
- All ammunition.
- All colors of arms and engraved finishes.
- Bulletproof protections.
- Parachute harness and canopy bags.
Good survival in Los Santos!