In GTA Online, the network is important. And, as you progress, certain contacts that you will make can bring you invaluable help. Each contact can be called via the phone.
As a good hacker and scheming genius, Lester can give you a hell of a helping hand. He will take care of finding you the famous robberies, but also when you call him, he will make you benefit from certain services.
- Rank 10 - Give a bonus : allows you to place a bounty (between $ 1000 and $ 9000) on someone's head, which will appear in red on the card. The person who kills him will earn the bounty. Useful for revenge.
- Rank 21 - Clear search index - $ 200: Are you being chased by the cops and you don't know how to get out of it? A quick phone call to Lester and presto, the search clue disappears.
- Rank 40 - Invisibility on the Radar - $ 500: would you like to surprise a player by arriving without them seeing you? Lester can make you disappear from other players' mini-maps with the snap of a finger.
- Rank 40 - Show players - $ 500: In some activities, player icons are disabled, or a player can use the Invisibility feature. Lester can cause them to appear momentarily.
- Rank 0 - Locate boat - $ 400: fancy a little boat trip? Lester can find you the nearest one easily.
- Rank 0 - Locate helicopter - $ 700: helicopters are not legion in the game. But our friend can find a free one very quickly.
- Rank 15 - Locate car - $ 100: well, there, really, in order not to succeed in finding a car in the game, you really have to do it. But hey, Lester can do it too.
The mercenary agency also offers all kinds of useful services.
- Rank 12 - Ammo Delivery - $ 1000: need to refuel quickly? Merryweather can drop a crate of ammo right in front of you.
- Rank 20 - Support Helicopter - $ 5000: Are you bothering a player? Request a helicopter to launch cover fire.
- Rank 25 - Boat pickup - $ 250: lost at sea? Don't bother swimming, call a boat.
- Rank 30 - Helicopter Pickup - $ 1000: to get to a place quickly, the helicopter is the perfect means of transport.
- Rank 35 - Call in Mercenaries - $ 7500: a player is making your life difficult and you would like to teach him a lesson? Send the mercenaries of Merryweather to his tail.
- Rank 50 - Airstrike - $ 8000: there are times when you have to go to great lengths.
Mutual Mors
It happens (frequently) that your vehicle is destroyed. If you have ever taken out insurance (Los Santos Customs), you can call Mutuelle Mors to have it repaired. Note that if it is an opposing player who destroyed it, it is he who will pay the franchise and not you.
Once you have a garage where you can store your vehicles, a mechanic can bring your cars to where you are.
Want to steal some money from a player who is bothering you? Lamar is always on the right track. Call him, and for $ 1000, he'll send a robber to your target's basques, and try to steal some dollars from him, which will go straight to your pocket.
Be careful, if the player has no cash, and he has put everything in his bank account, the robber will come back empty-handed ... empty-handed.
Need a quick pick-me-up? Brucie can deliver Bull Shark Testosterone to you, increasing your damage and resistance.

Now it's up to you to use these contacts wisely!