Simeon is an unscrupulous dealer ... how to put it. He frequently asks us to bring him certain vehicles to send them I do not know where. With a little money, of course.
Sometimes, it is he himself who will tell you where to find it, an icon appearing on your map ... well, to be more precise, on the maps of all the players in the session. Which may involve difficulty in bringing it back in one piece.
But most of the time, it will give you a list of cars, which you will find in your phone:
Good thing, I just got a Bravado Gresley! First step, get the police out if you have any clue.
Once the police are sown, they have to be taken to a Los Santos Custom to repaint them. The base color will do, no need to spend more money than necessary.

The vehicle is now ready to be delivered to the docks ... preferably scratch-free. Otherwise, your premium will be affected.
Little tip: to avoid annoyance due to other players, you can activate passive mode?
Then all that remains is to bring the car safely and collect the reward which will vary depending on the car. Usually between 3000 and $ 9000.

Now it's up to you to make Simeon happy and bring him lots of cars!