The wait was very long but here it is: Battlefield 4 is finally out! Short summary of important information for this release day.
Being alone and given the amount of information to process, I currently devote 100% of my life to Games Managers. We do not have much choice during a launch but it remains a passion and I do it very willingly. I have a lot of pretty important articles and guides in the works for you. The first two will be dedicated to in-game performance and single player mode.
I'll start by telling you that the Battlefield 4 Games Managers server is up and running. The rotation is configured to offer all 10 maps in HardCore conquest mode. If you want to organize games with other game modes, please let me know.
Another very important point: do not search for HardCore servers, they will not appear in the advanced search filter because for the moment, there is a Battlelog bug. Servers configured in HC appear in "Custom" settings. Use an advanced filter with health at 60% for example.Also update your graphics drivers to gain valuable FPS:
- AMD : 13.11 beta version 8
- NVIDIA : version 331.65
Then, we learn that the first DLC, China Rising, will be available on December 3, 2013 for premium members if we look at the Battlelog schedule. Or in a month already for this first extension!
Good game everyone and enjoy this 3-day weekend!