New week on Destiny, here are the details of the activities and contracts to be carried out.
Dark night: the dilapidated palace
Sunburn: Solar damage is significantly increased, regardless of its source.
Castagne: Melee damage is greatly increased.
Aegis: More enemies benefit from shields.
Bombing: Players deal more damage while in the air
Raid Challenge: Golgoroth
Court of Oryx: Kagoor (and his Ogre)
Veterans challenge : prison 42
- Round 1: Supreme Spirit Minotaur
- Round 2: Unclean Sylok
- Round 3: Noru'usk servant of Oryx
Castagne: Melee damage is greatly increased.
Aegis: More enemies benefit from shields.
Bonus: kills with Super
Queen's Ire Contracts
- Kill those who are wanted: Irxori at the Cosmodrome.
- Kill those who are consumed: Kill 12 superior enemies on come.
- Kill them all: Kill 100 Corrupted.
Variks contracts
- Riot Control: Kill 6 Champions in Prison 41/42.
- Play of light: create 100 orbs of the prison 41/42.
- Heavyweights: Use a heavy weapon to kill 50 enemies in the 41/42 prison.
Lord Shaxx's Contracts
- Individual achievement: Complete 2 games with 1500 points.
- Make a difference: win 7 games
- Battle of the Crucible: Win a game in Domination, Shock, and Rift mode
- Featured Game: earn 5 points in a daily or weekly event
- 1 victory = 3 points
- 1 loss or tie = 1 point
- Rifles and Revolvers: Get 10 kills with each of these weapons - automatic rifle, pulse rifle, scout rifle, revolver -
- The True Meaning of War: Complete 5 Shaxx Contracts
Shaxx's contract available from the Crucible Squadron
- Auto Fire: Complete 3 matches with 6 Auto Rifle kills
- Well-placed shooting pro: Complete a game with 9 revolver kills
- Clustered Pro: Complete a match with 9 Pulse Rifle kills
- Scout Pro: Complete a match with 9 Scout Rifle kills
Have a good week, Guardians, and may the loot be with you!