There you have it, the long-awaited deadline for most Destiny fans will soon come to an end, and while waiting for the expansion to be released, the Taken King as well as his Raid, we invite you to discover the equipment that you will be able to obtain during your fight against Oryx in the raid The Fall of the King :
Mouth of Ur (Helmet): For the more Light the worms consume, the hungrier they become.
- Shine On: Increases the energy gain of your Super when killing Dark Minions.
- Take that: When you pick up an Orb you will have a chance to deal more precision damage to the Corrupted.
Grasp of Eir (Gloves): At the beginning, they stood in thrall of the Formless One, and they offered themselves to its depth.
- Glutton: You receive a melee energy bonus for each enemy nearby when you kill an enemy.
- Buddy System: You recharge faster when in an aura.
Chasm of Yuul (Torse) : A clew of writhing things there was also, on that cusp between Light and Darkness.
- Mortal Medicine: You regain your health faster for each enemy killed with a grenade. The effect lasts 20 seconds.
- Old Gods' Boon: Your armor is increased while wearing the Raid Relic.
Path of Xol (Boots): Bound together, their power knows no limit, save their thirst for more.
- Fists Flying: You gain an agility boost for each melee kill you achieve. The effect lasts 20 seconds.
- Run for your Life: You receive an agility bonus when you are teleported through dimensions.
War Numen's Crown (Helmet): Show them you can contain multitudes, and your interiority will spawn nightmares.
- Shine On: Increases the energy gain of your Super when killing Dark Minions.
- Take that: When you pick up an Orb you will have a chance to deal more precision damage to the Corrupted.
War Numen's Fist (Gloves): The start is always the same. Enter his court, and call him out.
- Glutton: You receive a melee energy bonus for each enemy nearby when you kill an enemy.
- Buddy System: You recharge faster when in an aura.
War Numen's Chest (Torso): Death is the game, and the game is always death.
- Mortal Medicine: You regain your health faster for each enemy killed with a grenade. The effect lasts 20 seconds.
- Old Gods' Boon: Your armor is increased while wearing the Raid Relic.
War Numen's Boots: Speak, and the Darkness obeys. Command, and the song turns upon itself.
- Fists Flying: You gain an agility boost for each melee kill you achieve. The effect lasts 20 seconds.
- Run for your Life: You receive an agility bonus when you are teleported through dimensions.
Darkhollow Mask (Helmet): "The Dreadnaught is a blighted hollow gouged into our Universe." —Eris Morn
- Shine On: Increases the energy gain of your Super when killing Dark Minions.
- Take that: When you pick up an Orb you will have a chance to deal more precision damage to the Corrupted.
Darkhollow Grasps (Gants) : "All the vastness of our universe is but a blank page on which they scrawl their words of hate and death." —Eris Morn
- Glutton: You receive a melee energy bonus for each enemy nearby when you kill an enemy.
- Buddy System: You recharge faster when in an aura.
Darkhollow Chiton (Torso): "Heartless and cruel is their realm—but in some ways more malleable than your own." —Eris Morn
- Mortal Medicine: You regain your health faster for each enemy killed with a grenade. The effect lasts 20 seconds.
- Old Gods' Boon: Your armor is increased while wearing the Raid Relic.
Darkhollow Treads (Bottes) : "Even now, the Daughters of Oryx weave black words of blight to bind his realm to ours." —Eris Morn
- Fists Flying: You gain an agility boost for each melee kill you achieve. The effect lasts 20 seconds.
- Run for your Life: You receive an agility bonus when you are teleported through dimensions.
So that's all we know for now about this Raid equipment. Note that these devices have an alternative version called "Harrowed"which according to some sources we can obtain in the Raid in hard mode.