It's Friday, and for all Destiny players, it's the day Xûr the Agent of the Nine arrives on the Tower. So we will see together what this mysterious character has to offer us. As a reminder, Xûr will be on the Tower from this Friday so until Sunday 11am.
You will find Xûr for this Easter weekend on the terrace near the location of the guide. As a reminder, this famous terrace is in the Hall to your left when you appear on the Tower. Without further ado, here is what Xûr is offering you this week:
The greenhouse - Titan Helmet available for 13 Strange Coins.
- Skills:
- The speed of melee attacks is increased.
- Your Super energy is restored when you kill an enemy with your grenade.
- Blessing of Light and Weapons of Light last longer.
do not touch me - Hunter's Gauntlets available for 13 Strange Coins.
- Skills:
- You become temporarily invisible when a melee attack deals damage to you.
- Increases the reload speed of special weapons.
- Your Super Energy gain increases when you kill Dark Minions.
Solar Gauntlets - Warlock Gauntlets available for 13 Strange Coins.
- Skills:
- Increases the duration of your Sun Grenade.
- Increases the reload speed of special weapons.
- Melee attacks regenerate Grenade energy.
Breath of the Dragon - Exotic Heavy Weapon available in exchange for 23 strange coins.
- Skills:
- The tube of this weapon can contain 3 ammunition.
- The ammunition from this weapon creates a solar flare upon detonation.
Exotic Radiance - available in exchange for 7 Strange Coins.
Exotic Torso Engram - available in exchange for 23 light particles.
Heavy ammunition - 5 cartridges available in exchange for a strange part.
So that's all the information we have on Xûr's Sales for this week. Do not hesitate to give us your opinion on the equipment sold.