Many Guardians roam the vast expanses of our solar system in order to find all the dead specters and thus obtain the famous honorary title of Ghost Hunter. In this series of guides, I will therefore show you the position of these spectra and how to obtain them. This guide takes us to the Tower where we will collect our first Specters.
Loyalty card
Specter n ° 1
Our first specter will be in the spawn area on the Tower. To retrieve it, you will need to climb on the platform to your left when you appear. To do this, you have to use the stairs behind the Postal Clerk. Once you have reached this platform, get as close to the wall as possible and follow it until you find the area indicated below. All you have to do is pick up the first specter in the area.
Specter n ° 2
To retrieve the second Specter, we will go to the Hall of Guardians by taking the stairs under the contracts officer. Keep moving forward until you reach the table where each class's Vanguard is located. The specter will be on your right once in the main room.
Specter n ° 3
To retrieve the third specter, you will need to take the path leading to the Traveler's Walk behind the contracts officer. This area only opens during events like Queen's Ire or The Iron Banner. The Specter will find it at the end of the Zone on one of the right handrails, unfortunately I do not have an image with the exact position of it for the moment (Source for this Specter: Destiny Ghost Hunter).
Specter n ° 4
For the last Specter, you will need to go to the North of the Tower and go to the area where the Guide is located. You will have to go to the Hall, climb the steps, and you will only have to pick up the last Ghost from the Tower. Here is where the last "Little Light" is:
Here is which concludes this small guide to find the Specters of the Tower. If you have any questions feel free to share them in the comments. And above all good hunting!