Today is patch day for Battlefield Hardline, with several fixes and welcome weapon balancing.
- Battlepack bronze - changes made will increase the chance of unlocking rare content and items instead of boosters
- Silver Battlepack - the changes made make the first 3 slots like a bronze battlepack, with the limitation of being able to get standard items but with more chance of being able to get rare items for the last slot.
- Gold Battlepack - The changes made make the 4 slots as a silver pack with the limitation of being able to obtain standard items but with but with more chance of being able to obtain very rare and distinguished items.
- Battlepack shortcuts have been added
- Unlocking a Gold Battlepack for Prima Guide holders
Weapons to pick up
- Adjusted the RPG to only have one rocket when picked up from the trunk of a vehicle with less area damage.
Resolving crashes
- Resolved a crash related to some NVidia graphics cards
- Fixed a crash relating to several graphics drivers.
- Fixed a multiplayer crash based on BugSentry (internal tool for detecting and reporting live crashes on servers)
- In some cases, bullet holes near the player no longer cause the camera to vibrate
- Addressed an issue on the "Holywood Heights" map that allowed players to take money in "Dirty Money" mode through a wall.
- Optimized the game engine to improve graphics performance when Punkbuster is running.
Game modes
- Fixed an issue where the Hotwire game mode would appear as available on the "Holywood Heights" map
- Adjusted spawns in the Team Death Match game mode to make players appear closer to allies and further away from enemies.
- Adjusted tickets to 600 in small conquest and 999 in large conquest
- Addition of the large conquest mode to the "Hydroponic House" map
- Fixed an issue where some game modes did not have the correct amount of tickets
- Addressed issue with server customization settings for some game modes
- Added the ability to delete or store a card list via the management console
- Expanded character limit for multiplayer map lists
- Added weapon carrying permits for all items obtained via DLC shortcuts.
User interface
- Fixed an issue where players could bypass the timer at the start of a round in Rescue or Dirty Money
- Addressed an issue with the Chinese language EULA that featured an alternate game title.
- Reduction of the resistance of the sofa and reduction of its repair area
- Adjusted both sides (criminal and police) of the passenger car so that now the same amount of gunshot damage is taken.
Balancing weapons
- K10: damage reduction at the start of shooting to 33 and at the end of shooting to 8
- Saiga, PTR 91, HCAR, and HK51: reduction of vertical recoil
- RO993 - increased rate of fire to 850
- Jury 410 - increased bullet damage to 20
- FMG9 - increased damage to 25
- Battle Rifle ammo - Increased minimum damage to 25
- AKM - minimum bullet damage lowered to 24