New Battlefield, and therefore new classes. Finally, if you are used to the series, you will see that the classes, apart from a few changing names, have pretty much the same role on the battlefield.
Let's discover together today theExecutor.

One could be tempted to say that the Executor does not do in the finesse ... it is not false. Pump-action shotgun or combat rifle, if that is discretion you are looking for, it might not be the smart choice. But if you're looking for a way to do heavy damage to the opposing team, you've got your man!
Main weapons
The Executor therefore has the choice between shotguns, formidable at short range (see medium) and combat rifles, more useful at medium / long range.
- Magnum 780P
- 37 Stakeout
- SPAS-12
- Double barreled shotgun
- Unlocking : Basic
- Damage : 80
- Precision : 20
- Range : 30
- Stability : 64
- Rate of fire : Pump
- Capacity : 7
- Unlocking : $ 50 / $ 000 (depending on faction)
- Damage : 40
- Precision : 50
- Judgment shooting : 60
- Range : 30
- Stability : 70
- Rate of fire : Pump
- Capacity : 6
- Unlocking : $ 50 / $ 000 (depending on faction)
- Damage : 70
- Precision : 25
- Judgment shooting : 60
- Range : 10
- Stability : 10
- Rate of fire : Pump
- Capacity : 9
- Unlocking : Complete "Executor's Syndicate"
- Damage : 100
- Precision : 10
- Judgment shooting : 40
- Range : 12
- Stability : 40
- Rate of fire : Pump
- Capacity : 2
Combat rifles
- SA-58 OSW
- HK51
- Unlocking : Basic
- Damage : 43
- Precision : 50
- Range : 75
- Stability : 10
- Rate of fire : 625
- Capacity : 20
- Unlocking : $ 50 / $ 000 (depending on faction)
- Damage : 43
- Precision : 60
- Range : 75
- Stability : 15
- Rate of fire : 450
- Capacity : 30
- Unlocking : $ 50 / $ 000 (depending on faction)
- Damage : 43
- Precision : 43
- Range : 75
- Stability : 15
- Rate of fire : 650
- Capacity : 20
- Unlocking : $ 50 / $ 000 (depending on faction)
- Damage : 43
- Precision : 25
- Range : 75
- Stability : 5
- Rate of fire : 500
- Capacity : 20
- 45T
- M1911A1
- .40 PRO
- Pygargue
- Unlocking : Basic
- Damage : 40
- Precision : 35
- Range : 15
- Stability : 30
- Rate of fire : Semi-auto
- Capacity : 10
- Unlocking : $ 50 / $ 000 (depending on faction)
- Damage : 45
- Precision : 80
- Range : 20
- Stability : 15
- Rate of fire : Semi-auto
- Capacity : 8
- Unlocking : $ 50 / $ 000 (depending on faction)
- Damage : 34
- Precision : 58
- Range : 30
- Stability : 10
- Rate of fire : Semi-auto
- Capacity : 15
- Unlocking : End "Executor 2"
- Damage : 68
- Precision : 56
- Range : 50
- Stability : 5
- Rate of fire : Semi-auto
- Capacity : 7
- T62 Cew
- Stalker dart
Allows you to immobilize an enemy for interrogation.
- Unlocking : 21 000 $
- Damage : 100
- Precision : 80
- Range : 6
- Stability : 90
- Rate of fire : Semi-auto
- Capacity : 12
The tracking dart displays the movements of affected players and vehicles on the mini-map. Also allows rocket launchers to lock onto the target.
- Unlocking : 16 200 $
- Damage : 1
- Precision : 80
- Range : 100
- Stability : 90
- Rate of fire : Semi-auto
- Capacity : 6
- Ammo box
- Ballistic shield
- Explosive C4
- Gas mask
Allows you to deploy a crate that replenishes the ammunition of nearby allies' weapons, gadgets and explosives. An ally can interact (by default key E) with the Executor to recover ammunition.
18 000 $
When equipped, it absorbs a certain amount of damage from bullets and explosives. Be careful, even when stooping, the feet are vulnerable. When not equipped, the shield can protect its wearer a bit from damage coming from behind. And the end of the day, it can be used to attack an enemy melee.
23 400 $
Remote controlled explosives that adhere to any surface. Uncle Juju's little trick: place explosives on the back of a car or motorcycle, and send them to enemies. Press the remote control and enjoy the fireworks display.
4 800 $
Cancels the effects of gas grenades and environmental hazards.
- Grappin
- Zipline
- Stuntman
- Wolf / dinosaur mask
9 600 $
Allows you to climb walls quickly by pulling on a flat ledge. Possibility of destroying the ropes by pulling or cutting them.
13 200 $
Allows you to create a quick zipline passage between two points. Be careful, for this to work, the end point must be lower. Possibility to destroy the zip line by pulling on it or cutting the rope.
39 000 $
Special for budding pilots. Install a boost for lightning-fast acceleration on all land vehicles. Vehicles also take less damage when hitting obstacles or other vehicles.
Unlocked with the task "Bursar 3"
- M67 (Ask)
- M18
- M84 Flash
- Grenade Lacrymo
- Incendiary device / Molotov
Fragmentation grenade, medium deflagration, heavy damage to vehicles and infantry.
3 000 $
Created a cloud of smoke.
4 200 $
Produces a bright flash and loud noise disorienting the enemy.
4 800 $
Produces a cloud of gas, obscuring vision and making it more vulnerable to damage.
6 600 $
Creates an incendiary field, useful for blocking access or forcing the enemy to uncover.
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