The beta began this Tuesday, October 1. The opportunity to return to the game modes present in this new opus. For the occasion, DICE has added two new modes, enough to bring a little freshness to the game.
Ticket system
First and foremost, Battlefield works with a ticket system. When you die and choose to respawn on the map, you consume a ticket from your team. Many modes revolve around this ticket system, which therefore corresponds to the number of reinforcements available during the game. Some tickets are lost when the opposing team controls more objectives than you in certain games.
Conquest Mode
The default mode of Battlefield, the Conquest mode is the best known and the most widespread. The objective is simple: the battlefield contains several strategic points to be controlled. Whether it is with the help of various and varied vehicles, or by competing on land, sea and in the air, you will have to reduce the number of tickets of the opposing team; either by eliminating them, or by controlling the majority of the objectives on the map.
There is a so-called "large" version of the Conquest. The principle is exactly the same, except that the action takes place on larger maps, offering more amphibious, marine and air vehicles (fighter planes for example).
Both modes (normal and wide) can accommodate up to 64 players, as well as Commander mode, allowing players to not appear as a soldier, but as a commander of troops in real time. So you see the game map with your units and can indicate enemy movements to your teammates, or help them with an air strike.
Mode Domination
A miniature version of Conquest, Domination is a much more intensive game mode. For this reason, the cards are smaller (20 players maximum). You are therefore never far from a flag to capture, nor from a lurking enemy. As a result, objectives are captured faster, and having a minority of flags causes you to lose tickets more slowly. Your deaths cost more than in Conquest!
Mode Obliteration
This new game mode features a bomb. The explosive appears randomly on the map, must be picked up and placed in one of the three enemy positions, armed. Once the bomb has exploded another one appears and the cycle begins again. The game ends when all three positions of a camp have been devastated. The match can be fast as it can be very long.
Compared to the Conquest, the Obliteration (pending the spanish version) focuses much more on the bomb and its spawn location. The strategic aspect is quite developed because it is a question of supposing the movements of the enemy, in an offensive and defensive way.
This mode is played with 32 players and can take advantage of the Commander mode.
Mode Defuse
Second novelty of the game. This time the Defuse mode is focused much more on teamwork, precision and performance. Indeed, this mode of 5 against 5 offers only one life per round and per player, as well as a revival. Every bullet counts. Victory is achieved by eliminating the entire opposing team, or by planting and protecting a bomb until it detonates. Once dead, players can follow their teammates until the end of the round.
Designed as the most competitive mode of the game, we can see it as a way of approaching e-sports for Battlefield 4.
Team Deathmatch Mode
Present in the vast majority of online FPS (if not all), Team Deathmatch (TDM) follows the simplest rules. You have to eliminate enemies until you reach a score limit. If you're short on time or looking for some quick action, this 20-player mode is for you.
Squad Deathmatch Mode
Small difference with the deathmatch in team which opposes two camps, the squad deathmatch (SDM) is a confrontation between four squads. Coordination is therefore essential in this game mode, where vehicles are limited. A ranking is also established to determine which squad is the best. More dynamic than TDM, the first squad to reach the score limit (1 point per elimination) wins the game. You want to start competitive modes with friends, this is where it starts!
Mode Rush
Known from Battlefield 3, the Rush mode opposes 32 players (with the possibility of having Commanders) divided into two teams: the defenders and the attackers. Rather intuitive, the mode offers attackers to take control of the map gradually. Initially, two terminals are to be armed and destroyed. If these two points are taken without all the tickets being exhausted, the defenders must retreat to the map and protect two new objectives (a ticket bonus is granted to the attackers).
The principle of gradually discovering the map usually brings a lot of tactical changes compared to a Conquest mode.
As you can see, Battlefield 4 offers several game modes, ranging from solitaire fun to team competition. So don't hesitate to join the parties you want! You can find the original article here.