The Battlefield 4 eSport scene is starting to fall into place. Don't miss a beat with ESB. But what is it ? I'll give them the floor to explain that to you ...
Battlefield players, passionate about competitions,
ESB opens the doors to you!
Finally, the eSport Battlefield community has a space dedicated to its development. Battlefield 3 has shown that EA and BF players are keen on competitions.
The launch of eSport-Battlefield was born out of the community. The project is already supported by several teams and we hope that many of you will join us!
What is ESB?
eSport-Battlefield "ESB" is a community platform for players wishing to participate in the eSports life of Battlefield 4. We are opening this project to allow you to prepare and already make your mark.
The goals are simple:
- Visibility of teams
- Competition development
- Centralization of eSport news
- Connect players / teams
You will have understood it if you are an eSports player, spectator of competitions or quite simply passionate about everything which relates to near or far to eSports, this site is made for you!
And to be sure not to miss anything, the site offers itself the luxury of offering a smartphone application for Android. A must ! You will find the application on the Play Store.
You can follow them on social networks via Facebook, Twitter and Youtube and of course their website.
We wish them every success for this great adventure! (Who has already started very strong though)