The BF hardline Beta is only coming to an end and we have already announced all the gadgets that will be available for this season, here they are listed by category:
- Charges Explosives
- Molotov
- Sabotage
- Mine-Laser
Adapts to any land vehicle with a nitrous oxide boost for quick safety. Drivers trained as stuntmen take less damage when hitting other vehicles or obstacles.
A glass bottle containing a flammable substance such as gasoline, the Molotov cocktail is an improvised incendiary weapon. It is primarily used to block the approach of opponents, rather than instantly destroying targets.
A bomb that can be used to trap vehicles, objectives and interaction points. Explodes when manipulated by a reckless enemy. If it's flashing, take off! Can be defused with the repair tool. You can also shoot or blow it up (Mechanic Specific).
A mine that explodes when the laser beam is broken. Can be positioned on any surface within easy reach. Can be disarmed by agents if they spot it in time (Professional Specific).
- M67 Frag
- of tears
- Smoke
- Flash
Powerful medium-blast fragmentation grenade that deals massive damage to infantry and vehicles.
Self-timer grenades emitting a cloud of riot control tear gas. The gas clouds vision, making precise aiming impossible and making it more vulnerable to damage.
Delay grenade generating a cloud of smoke on impact. Opacifies the atmosphere.
Produces extremely loud noise and a bright flash that can disorient the enemy.
The tools
- Grappin
- Repair tool
- Bouclier
Throwing the grapple towards a flat ledge allows you to deploy a rope to climb up the facades. Cut or pull the ropes to destroy them.
Portable cutting and welding torch that repairs friendly vehicles and damages enemy vehicles and agents. (Specific to Mechanic)
Designed to absorb damage from bullets and explosives. The shield is destroyed after taking a certain level of damage. The shield can be used to strike quickly and violently. (Specific to the Executor)
- T62 CEW
- Stalker Darts
- M79 / M320 HE
Allows non-fatal close-range elimination. Interrogate a stunned opponent to find out where their teammates are.
Shoot to secure the stalker dart at enemy vehicles and players, making them visible on your minimap and allowing allied missile launchers to lock onto the target.
An explosive charge launcher that fires 40mm grenades effective against light vehicles and agents. (Specific to Mechanic)
The accessories
- Satellite phone
- Camera
- Lure
- Reinforcement Armor
- Gas mask
Provides a new respawn location for squad members. (Specific to Mechanic)
Detects and reports any enemy movement in a large cone in front of the camera. Information is power! (Specific to Professional)
A loud decoy that projects false echoes from players onto enemy radar and simulates the sound of guns. (Specific to Professional)
Gives its user's chest a layer of protection against bullet damage, giving its owner time to fight back. (Specific to Mechanic)
Dispels the effects of tear gas grenades and blocks the effects of certain environmental hazards.
Heals and Ammunition
- First aid pack
- Survivalist
- Intensive care
- Defibrillator
- Ammunition box
Nearby fighters are slowly healed to their full health potential, even in combat. Anyone wearing one of these packs is likely to interact with a teammate in need of care. (Operator specific)
Allows you to revive after a traffic accident or explosion. This does not allow you to survive a kill, fire, gas, melee attack, pulse pistol, or fall. (Operator specific)
(Criminals) - The Adrenaline Syringe features an extra long needle and allows injured teammates to return to battle. Taking the time to prep the adrenaline syringe brings teammates back with increased health. Once prepared, it can also kill an enemy. (Operator specific)
(Cops) - The AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) is a portable electronic device that allows injured teammates to return to battle. Taking the time to prepare the AED brings back teammates with increased health. When fully charged, it also kills an enemy.
Ammunition for all gadgets, weapons and explosives of nearby fighters is replenished. Anyone near the ammo box carrier can interact with them to resupply. (Specific to the Executor)
- Stuntman
- Infiltration
Adapts to any land vehicle with a nitrous oxide boost for quick safety. Drivers trained as stuntmen take less damage when hitting other vehicles or obstacles.
Agents trained in infiltration know how to move quietly. His footsteps are quieter and his actions, such as opening doors, are also quieter. (Specific to Professional)
That's enough to salivate, while waiting for March 19, release date of Battlefield Harline.