A year ago, I discovered STO and began my adventure in this well-known galaxy from the television series as the captain of a small Starfleet ship. My mission ?
Explore new strange worlds, discover new lives, other civilizations, and in defiance of danger move towards the unknown.
Star Trek Online main story quests are presented as episodes, grouped by chapters, or campaigns. Quests are added one by one, week after week since launch, on the same model as TV shows. The advantage of starting the game today is the phenomenal amount of directly available content. You will be able to reach maximum level (currently 60) by doing only the missions of the episodes and thus enjoy a rich and varied history. And if you don't feel like fighting the Cardassians, don't worry, you can vary the pleasures if you have the minimum level required to start another campaign.
These stories place us in the middle of key events in the galaxy, making us visit emblematic places (Deep Space Nine, Qo'nos ...) or participate in events directly related to the adventures of the historical crews of the Star Trek series. (Original, New Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager). Thus, I was able to help ensure peace between the Bajorans and the Cardassians, repel Jem'Hadar, fight Founders, negotiate with the bellicose Klingons, take a tour in the mirror universe, try to stop the fratricidal struggle between Romulans and Remians, repelling Undines, exploring the Dyson Sphere, not to mention slaughtering some Borg and Iconian cubes.

And it's not just the events that are historic: the stakeholders are just as historic. The first missions played with the time frame to allow meeting characters from the first series. There is no point in using such devices here because we are placing ourselves only 30 years after Voyager's return and most of the officers are therefore still alive. Tuvok is now Voyager's captain (Janeway now being Starfleet Admiral) while Worf is Klingon Ambassador.
I also had the opportunity to meet Kim, Neelix, Seven-of-Nine, the Doctor as well as various other lesser known and all the more unexpected characters!
For a Star Trek fan like me, it's really magical to meet them again and discover what they have become with a few more wrinkles, especially since it is the original actors who have taken over the voices of their characters. !
Game modes
There is always the same alternation of terrestrial and spatial content. The objectives vary, some missions take place exclusively in space, to fight, rescue and analyze, while others are on the ground, to repair, negotiate or destroy. There is nothing to be bored with and puzzles are regularly offered.

The diplomacy phases are generally based on dialogues, the outcome depending on our choices. It is important to take into account the specificities of each species in order to react if we do not want to derail the peace process and find ourselves in the crossfire. Fortunately, the routine is often broken by unexpected missions: spacewalk in special suits, infiltration in a shuttle, evacuation in the prototype of a scientific vessel ...
Dyson's sphere hosts battlefields where it is possible to face enemies according to well-defined rules.
And in space, the war is underway against the Voss who will try to take control points. A large fleet is needed to successfully take control of the 4!
If we add to that the various PvE and PvE events that can be joined directly in the galaxy or via the queues accessible via the interface (at the top left under the mini-map), there is something to become achieve the prestigious rank of Fleet Admiral!

Admiralty System
Once level 50, our Captain becomes a Vice Admiral, then a Rear Admiral, before being decorated as a Fleet Admiral at level 60. How do you represent this heavy task in the Starfleet hierarchy in play? The developers answered this question with the admiralty system. Each ship picked up in-game is duplicated in the form of a map with engineering, tactical, and science scores, as well as a maintenance time (the amount of time the ship is unavailable after a completed mission).
These ships will go on short missions, requiring a specific score created by combining up to 3 ships. As a result, character experience, admiralty experience for the current campaign and credits. I currently have access to the United Federation of Planets and Klingon Empire Campaign.
At level 50, points can be put in new specialization trees with 4 different paths: commando, pilot, espionage and commanding officer. But only two trees can be active at the same time. Points are earned in the last 10 levels then, once level 60 is reached, our character continues to accumulate new skill points thanks to a special gauge (the small one in yellow at the top below the big gray of the experience classic).
Leveling up from Cadet to Fleet Admiral is a lot of fun in STO, taking advantage of the enormous content accumulated since the release of the MMORPG. If we don't stop at incomplete translations (I really advise you to only play if you don't mind English) or the few quest bugs (I notably had to start the conclusion of the episode all over again). 9 which crashed), the game offers a wide variety of released episodes and more to come! From the top of my level 60, I still have more than twenty scenarios to do while the "Future Proof" campaign is underway, the third episode being available since this week!