Please note, this article follows the Star Trek Online universe and therefore the original Star Trek timeline. It does not take into account the films of JJ Abrams.
For more than a century, science fiction writers have envisioned the near future with innovations that ultimately do not appear when the day comes. The Star Trek universe is no exception. The first series was conceived in the 60s, but the timeline predicted events to take place as early as the 70s. A striking example is that man had to walk on Mars in 1997. But above all, before reaching idyllic society as well dreamed of, humanity had to go through a hell of war. Between 1991 and 1996, several scientific experiments aimed at improving the human being saw his guinea pigs seize power, and these new dictators turn against each other. At the end of the Eugenic Wars, any work of genetic modification was prohibited. One of the last events of the war was the departure into exile in space of the Asian dictator Khan Noonien Singh (the villain of the films Revenge of Khan and Into Darkness). 2024 is marked by terrible race riots in San Francisco. In 2026, it is the beginning of the Third World War which will last until 2053. And so from chaos is born the hope. On April 5, 2063, the American scientist Zefram Cochrane left a refugee camp in Montana to perform on board the Phoenix (with the help of travelers from the future if you have seen the film First Contact) the first flight faster than the light. A passing Vulcan ship realizes that humanity has reached a technological level sufficient to make First Contact.
Under Vulcan influence, the Earth will restructure itself under a single government. The opening towards space will offer an outlet to give hope. Riding this course, they will develop Zefram Cochrane's distortion technology to make it the safest and most efficient in the space industry. The first attempts to colonize other planets take place. But it was not until 2151 that the next big breakthrough took place: it was the launch of the Enterprise NX-01 spacecraft, intended to free itself from Vulcan tutelage and to make Earth a legitimate player in galactic affairs (the Enterprise series). Captain Jonathan Archer succeeded so well that he was one of the engines of a military alliance between several races of the Vulcan sector (the sector where the Earth is located). Alliance which resulted in 2161 by the foundation of the United Federation of Planets between humans, Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites. 200 years later, it will have more than 150 members. Jonathan Archer was himself President of the Federation between 2184 and 2192. The importance of humanity in this foundation has never been denied. The Starfleet Space Group became the base of the Federation Fleet, most of whose facilities are located around San Francisco. The seat of the president is in Paris. Humanity becomes the main provider of military arms, and will remain largely in the majority in future Starfleet ships. Their fate is now inseparable.
Perhaps the greatest figure in Starfleet history is James Tiberius Kirk. Born in 2233 in Iowa, he spent part of his childhood in space. At Starfleet Academy, he distinguished himself for the first time by being the only cadet in history to pass the Kobayashi Maru test. This impossible test was used to study the reaction of the cadets to failure. Kirk cheated, but his refusal impressed enough. He becomes a tactical officer on the USS Farragut. Then in 2263, after nine years of service, he broke the record for the youngest captain in Starfleet history by being appointed head of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (original series). Despite the similar name to Jonathan Archer's prestigious starship, this one is nothing really special. It is an exploration cruiser carrying out 5 years missions. He has already done three, under two different captains. Kirk's exploits will earn him the title of admiral upon his return, and he will need a rule loophole to allow him to carry out a new mission (first film). He saved Earth from destruction twice. Demoted captain for insubordination, his new ship will be the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A after the destruction of the original. He retired in 2293 after participating in the Kithomer Conference which signed peace with the great rival of the Klingon Empire as well as great advances with the Romulan Empire (film Unknown Land). It will disappear a few months later, during the inaugural flight of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B which will see a rescue mission turn into disaster (Generations film).
The Kithomer Accords signed a peace between the three great powers of the Beta quadrant. A new era of hope for the future? One might believe it with the appointment of a relative of Kirk, Hikaru Sulu, as president of the Federation in 2329. But the second half of the 24th century is quite chaotic. In 2365, the Borgs fled the Delta quadrant and landed in the Alpha quadrant where they demonstrated a technology superior to that of the Federation (The Next Generation series). A brief conflict against the Cardassian Union in 2369/70 led to the acquisition of the Terok Nor starbase renamed Deep Space 9, but the settlers installed in the new demilitarized zone did not like the terms of the treaty and formed the terrorist organization of Maquis. It is also the start of the Dominion War (see the Deep Space 9 series) against a government in the Gamma Quadrant. The following year, the USS Voyageur NCC-74656 disappeared by being sent to the Delta quadrant. The Klingons join the Dominion War by invading Cardassia in 2372. 2373, a Borg offensive threatens Earth and is stopped thanks to the intervention of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E (the film First Contact). The Dominion War continued in 2374 with the entry into the war of the Romulans. The alliance of the three great powers of the Beta quadrant succeeded in saving the Alpha Quadrant the following year. Peace returns, the Traveler also in 2378. But the understanding of the three great powers is called into question by a coup d'état on Romulus. Coup d'etat which will not go very far because its attack on the Federation and the USS Enterprise will be too sudden (the film Nemesis). But the damage is done, the balance is broken.
The destruction of Romulus by a supernova in 2387 makes matters worse. The trauma suffered by the Third Power in this part of the galaxy removes them from the game table. The Federation and the Klingon Empire come face to face, and old grudges resurface. Especially when a shapeshifter called Ondines fits into the hierarchies to add fuel to the fire. The century ends with the Klingons declaring themselves outside the Kithomer Accords. In the Alpha Quadrant, a new Dominion is forming on the Cardassia side. In 2409, the year the Star Trek Online game debuted, the only causes that still seem to be able to unite the two rivals are threats like the Borgs, still present, or the Terran Empire of an alternate reality. Other conflicts therefore seem to always be present on the horizon.