Twitchcon was an opportunity to announce several new features related to the extension of GuildWars2. Let's take a look at the new user interface (UI) for squads.
The goal of this new interface is to make it easier to manage your squad regardless of the game mode you are playing. It will also be an essential tool for raids or large-scale missions. First of all, you will need to have a commander icon to create a squad of 50 players. Otherwise, you can only create a squad of 10 members (function designed for raids).
You will be able to find in each bar the various information related to the players such as the health bar, the class (and specialization). Its management is very simple because you will only have to drag and drop the player's box to make him change sub-group. Accessibility to the squad is managed by the leader. He can indeed define the conditions of access to the squad itself (free or by invitation) or even give certain rights to members so that they can invite / remove members.
Squad invitations can be done in groups. In this case the whole group will be invited to join the squad. This avoids, it must be said, asking the person to ungroup to invite him. Important thing to note: people in the same squad will be on the same map when jumping for an event. This new feature will delight people and guilds performing events such as the Great Jungle Wurm.
This new feature will be available during the beta weekend which starts on Friday 02/10!