La update 2.51 brought us the last quest of the weapon of the Zodiac. I will detail here the different steps so that you can develop your weapon in Relic Zeta to get a weapon from ilevel 135.
Once your Lvl 125 Zodiac Weapon finished, head into the northern forest and talk to Jalzahn to initiate the first quest for this weapon which is Time to wake up.

Once the quest is taken, go to Western Noscea to talk to Remon who will offer you Mahatmas at the price of 200 Mémoquartz Allagois Martial each. To complete your weapon you will need 12 Mahatmas a total of 2400 Mémoquartz Allagois Martial to complete your quest. Note that you cannot buy all 12 at once.
As the nexus weapon, this new step will ask you to farm content in order to obtain light. You must equip your weapon in order to infuse it with lights by completing various missions to increase the degree of resonance of each Mahatma. Note that each Mahatma requires about 40 resonance before being completed. You will therefore have to seal a seal 12 times Mahatma to finish your weapon.
Obtaining points
To increase the resonance of your weapon it's simple, as for the Nexus you must carry out dungeons, raids, treasure maps, primordial, with as always, a bonus of two hours on such or such content. You can keep track of the different bonuses with the help of this Reddit page and check the degree of alignment at any time using the subject"Zodiac telescope" when your weapon is equipped.
To help you here are the different levels of resonance of a Mahatma as well as the rewards:
Once you've finished your first mahatma, go back and see Renon to buy the next one and so on until you complete the 12 Mahatmas.
After that ?
Once your weapon is finished, go back to see Renon to complete your quest and start the last of this stage of Zodiac weapon. Head into the northern forest and talk to Jalzahn to start the quest A title for two.
This quest is a small cutscene that ends this saga with a lot of humor.

Congratulations, you have completed the saga of Zodiac Weapons. For the rest we will have to wait for the release of the 3.0.
Note that even when you have finished your Zeta weapons, it is always possible to modify the statistics present on it. To make a change, contact Jalzahn in possession of a blank stellar scroll. The latter will then transfer the power of the materia inside the parchment which will then allow the necessary adjustments to be made with the help ofHubairtin.
Here is the name and appearance of the different armes zeta :
- Weapon Paladin - Excalubur Zeta et Aegis Zeta
- Weapon Moine - Griffes Kaiser Zeta
- Weapon Guerrier - Ragnarok Zeta
- Weapon Dragon Knight - Longinus Epsilon
- Weapon Bard - Arc de Yoichi Zeta
- Weapon Ninja - Sasuke Zeta
- Two-handed weapon White Mage - Nirvâna Zeta
- Two-handed weapon Black Magus - Staff of Lilith Zeta
- WeaponSummoner - Apocalypse Zeta
- WeaponScholar - Last resort Zeta
Good luck to all !
I am adding a source video that I used for the bearing image, hope it can help you too.