Hailing from the city-state of Nym located on Vylbrand Island, the Scholars use fairies to provide benefits to their teammates in combat and to heal their wounds. In the past, Vylbrand Island was the site of endless wars. Thanks to the support of the Scholars, the armies of sailors were able to repel the invaders.
- The Scholar is a job that has the role of healer
- To unlock this job, you must be Lv.30 Arcanist and Lv.15 Elementalist
- Actions
- Features
- Talents
The Scholar has the Arcanist's actions:
- Lv1: Ruin
- Lv. 2: Bacteria
- NV 4: Invocation
- Lv. 5: Medicine
- Nv.6: Flux of ether
- Nv.8: Aspiration of energy
- Lv. 10: Miasma
- Nv.12: Virus
- Nv. 15: Invocation II
- Nv18 : Transfusion
- Lv. 22: Resurrection
- Lv. 26: Extra Bacteria
- Lv. 30: Scourge
- Nv. 34: Guard corps
- Nv. 38: Extra Ruin
- Nv.42: stimulation
- Nv. 46: Extra Miasmes
- Lv.50: Dark Eruption
And others specific to the job:
- Lv. 30: Treatise of Comfort
- Lv. 35: Treatise on Relief
- Lv.40: Law of Purification
- Lv. 45: Dogma of Survival
- Lv.50: Law of Revivification
- Lv. 52: Treatise on Perseverance
- Lv. 54: Law of Boiling
- Lv. 56: Deployment Stratagem
- Lv. 58: Emergency Stratagem
- Nv.60 : Dissipation
- Lv. 8: Improved Aether Stream
- Lv.14: Improved Intelligence
- Lv.16: Improved Intelligence II
- Lv.20: Effectiveness of actions increased
- Lv. 20: Improved Aether Stream II
- Lv. 24: Ethereal Empathy
- Lv. 28: Improved Virus
- Lv. 32: Improved Intelligence III
- Lv. 36: Improved Energy Aspiration
- Lv.40: Effectiveness of actions increased II
- Lv.40: Improved Aether Stream III
- Lv. 44: Improved Guardrail
- Lv. 48: Improved Stimulation
- Elementalist Lv. 2: Healing
- Elementalist Lv. 4: Wind
- Elementalist Lv. 6: Priest's Presence
- Elementalist Lv.8: Shield
- Elementalist Lv. 12: Life
- Elementalist Lv. 34: Breastplate
- Occultist Nv. 8: Stoicism
- Occultiste Nv. 12: Extra Glace
- Occultist Lv. 26: Quick Magic
The fairies
In addition to his own actions, the Scholar has a skill bar dedicated to his fairies, Eos and Selene:
- Actions common to both Fairies:
- Follow
- return
- Be pleasure
- Expect
- Defend
- Passive
- Free will
- to obey
- Actions dedicated to Eos :
- Embracing
- Whisper of the dawn
- Lv.20: Fairy Alliance
- Lv.40: Fairy Illumination
- Actions dedicated to Selene :
- Embracing
- Dawn silence
- Lv.20: Fairy Glow
- Lv.40: Fairy Light