If you have completed multiple Flashpoints of the Forged Alliances story arc (passing Manaan is enough, Rakata Prime is not necessary), you must have received new mails in your in-game mailboxes. How important will you tell me? Well, after Tython and Korriban, similar messages had been sent, by characters related to character classes. Manaan had been mentioned there, and they had been the starting point for speculation about the location of the second part of Forged Alliances. These speculations having succeeded, do we have what to do to deepen the future 3.0?
I'm not going to give you the details of each message, I think it's up to you players to go personally discover each turn of phrase. But some have troubling elements that stand out. This is not the case with all of them. The Jedi Knight, for example, is mentioned of Republican and Imperial officers who would have met without clashing. The fact that they are revanites seems obvious, and even if the majority of the galaxy is not yet aware of it it would not spoil you to name them.
Moreover, what the imperial agent receives dares to name them. Which means other groups are aware of their existence and potentially of their plans. Will they intervene during 3.0? Or just stay in the shadows and watch us act?
Messages for the Bounty Hunter and the Sith Warrior work together. The first is told that the two most interesting new bounties are from a Sith lady and a Republic employee. We can easily guess Lana Beniko and Theron Shan behind these qualifiers. "The one wanted for the murder of Darth Arkous" has even been reported to the Sith warrior as spotted on Tatooine, along with a certain wookie.
The Jedi Consular and the Smuggler seem the worst off of all. The first is officially notified of the death of Colonel Darok. As for the second, a certain Jedi friend worries that he could be threatened by those who attacked this glorious hero of the Republic.
Completely disconnected, the soldier hears about a Republican victory over Altair 9. For information, this is a world that appeared once, part of an e-book set during the Clone Wars. In English encyclopedias, it is not even certain whether it is a planet or a moon of a gas giant. Except this is where it gets interesting.
The Sith Inquisitor is entitled to the description of a vision, where he is seen on a moon. Altair 9? Or another, known or not yet? And what is he doing there? He is facing "the one who is not". Strange formula. Who would she designate? Ally or enemy? ...
And you, what do you think we can learn from these messages?