Once is not custom, I give you the report of the LL with a bit of delay (work, World Cup, busy schedule ...)! So let's get started without further ado.
Electric atmosphere
The LL starts off strong with a glimpse of Ramuh and his arena.

We will see Naoki Yoshida in Lala alone facing Ramuh, and hold about 5 seconds alive.
PvP: The Front
The producer director then takes us to discover the new PvP zone: the Front. He specifies that this PvP should appeal to many players given its ease of access. The Front will host 72 players simultaneously, or 24/24/24 for about 30 minutes of combat. You will have 2 minutes to prepare.
There will be a level sync system, so everyone is 50. There will be no class or job restriction like in a dungeon. You can change it at any time, as long as you are at an outpost.
There will be a few monsters in the area so be careful.
There will be a point system: you will receive points when you kill a player for example. The Rewards are the same as in the Wolf's Den, but you will also be able to obtain martial memos and war mounts ...

Oh, a horse!
We can see in this image a point to be captured. There are 6 such areas with a flag. Here players can compete for its capture, the latter depending on the number of people in the circle.
System breeding and chocobo companion are linked. The elevated chocobo will become your companion. Your free company will need to set up a stable in its garden. From here you can raise it and train it. Later, the system will be accessible via the Stables of the Cities. You will only be able to breed one at a time. When the Gold Saucer and Chocobo Race are added, you should be able to breed more than one at a time.
Your companion Currently can max out at Rank 10. There will be a way to get past this rank and get more points to upgrade / unlock skills.
It is expected to be able dye the plumage of his chocobo at 2.35. All in-game dyes can be used.
Compagnie Libre, residential area
Your single bedroom, located in the house of your Free Company will not have a different size depending on the size of the house. However, they will be a little larger than a room in a small house. You will access it through a door and your room will be entitled to a window. Furniture placed in your room will not count as furniture placed in the house. The limit has not yet been defined. The only pieces of furniture you won't be able to use are those intended for the exterior of a CL home.
Unlike the hostel room, you will be able to do crafts in your private room. Finally, the cost is not yet determined and we are talking for the moment of 300 gil.
Yoshida reveals that new CL ranks will be added along with content for them.

The Crystal Tower
The Tower suite is simple like the Antique Daedalus and fun. You will only get armor there and a loot limit will be applied: you can only win an item once a week, of ilvl 100. Unidentified Allagan tomestones, sands and oil of time can be obtained there. also, but not all of these objects will be implemented right away. Their drop rate will be around 30%.

Now that you are in a good mood after seeing these beautiful images, I can share the bad news: It will still not be possible to enter CT with a preformed alliance. Due to the Front, many adjustments had to be made to the mission tool. We will have to wait for update 2.35.
Quests, various content
For fans of Hildibrand, know that you will not see Gilgamesh again but the team is planning other appearances of famous characters and fights just as fun and quirky. If it's not possible to add voices to these quests when they release, the team is looking into the suggestion to implement them later.
A story was planned to make us meet Hildi's mother, but there were a lot of characters to develop and it didn't come to fruition ... However if there are enough of you asking for it, maybe the team could then work on it ... (It's time to write to them!)
For those who prefer Yugiri, you still won't see her face in 2.3 ... But you will no doubt have noticed that she and Thancred use Surineur and Ninja techniques.
The Ixalis are the last tribe of Beastmen to be discovered. Their quests, slated for 2.35, will focus on crafting for a change. We will also have a side questline on Mog Factors.
An artbook or something like that is planned. It will take up the story and illustrations. Crafting recipes for ilvl70 accessories will be added.
Next events
ARR will be present at the Japan Expo, July 2-6. We will have more details very soon.
A small program will take place on July 7 for the reading of the patch notes.
The weekend after the release of 2.3 will welcome all owners of a FFXIV service account whether they are V1 or V2. You can test free of charge the game. More details to come.
Remember that July 21 will take place the FTAA in Sendai.
The next FânFest will take place at:
- Las Vegas at the Rio Hotel & Casino on October 18 and 19,
- London at the Tobacco Dock on October 25,
- Tokyo at Tokyo Big Sight on December 20-21.
A catalog "Éorzéa Collection" will be released soon, including all existing equipment and housing items.

We finish on some equipment!

The E3 week for ARR is coming to an end, thank you to the whole GG team who helped me but also thank you to you readers for your encouragement <3.