Our colleagues and partners at ZAM managed to get an interview with Matt Firor, covering many very interesting topics. Translation and summary!
We learn that:
- The price ofSubscription (initially € 12.99 as a reminder) will be declining if you choose a quarterly or half-yearly subscription for example. It will be possible to pay by various means, such as Paypal or Webmoney.
- on the Zenimax Sore, at the launch of the game there will be two "services" : Theevolution of the standard version into a collector's version and one Palomino type horse. It is the same type of horse (basic) as the imperial horse, except for the color (only the imperial horse will be white in the game) but it allows not to buy "all" the imperial version to have a horse.
- We should have information on Adventure Zones and their content very soon.
- le socialization engine has evolved a lot. At launch, people will be grouped together based on friends lists or guilds. You can play in any language you want on the megaserver and there are zone channels in each language that you can choose to activate or not.
- it is possible to change the language of the interface and the dialogs independently of the social aspect and of the people with whom you play. Later it will be possible that there will beother social criteria to better select the people you want to play with.
- When the game starts, there will be only one type of PvP campaign: 90 day campaigns.
- Although this is not possible at launch, it could be that'in the future the craftsmen can directly repair the walls of the fortresses.
- It is a priori always no question of adding names above the characters players. Only habit will allow players to distinguish NPCs from PCs in the world. Only the members of the group are indicated by a chevron above their head to aid in spotting.
- when you reset your skill points, theexperience gained in morphs remains and if you reassign a point in that morph, you will regain the experience you had in it.
- It is possible to cure lycanthropy or vampirism. In this case, you lose the corresponding skill tree. But if you get infected again, you will get thetree and skills as they were before your healing.
We really learn a lot about resetting skill points which allows us to see more clearly on that side!