The first expansion of Square-Enix's latest MMORPG is coming to us in the spring of 2015. And although the period lends itself to short sleeves and flowers, you'll need to put on boots and furs. Indeed, Heavensward will propel you directly into the heart of the holy city of Ishgard and its millennial war against the Dragons.
Because yes, that's what it is about, surveying the city-state of Ishgard and its surroundings in order to meet new challenges. Here's a full rundown of everything that has already been said about this expansion:
- A new story: The Dragonsong War. A scenario centered on the city-state of Ishgrad and its war against the dragons.
- Level increase to 60: It will now be possible to raise all its classes (hand, war and magic) up to level 60, ten levels more than today.
- New playable race: We have very little info here. It was simply said that it would have to do with the refugees of Doma, led by Yugiri.
- New jobs: the Dark Knight and an as yet unspecified ranged dps. It's a safe bet, Yoshida has confirmed that the new Dark Knight job will be available. This is a tank class. The knight will wield great two-handed swords and gain access to occult powers. Note that unlike other jobs, it will not require a base class. We know there will be another job ... but we don't know his name yet. Speculation would revolve around a class with pistols, like the Corsair in FF XI. FF XI. It is also possible that the latter is able to take on the role of healer, but we do not know more at this time. Patience therefore, we will know more on December 20 during the Tokyo event!
- A new region: A country called Dravania will appear. Like Ishgard, the areas will have a fairly cool style, tinged with gray and white undertones. We also know that there will be a mysterious floating continent.
- Flying mounts: Yes, many are waiting for it, the first expansion will see the arrival of black chocobos. With them, it will be possible to fly to cross areas at full speed. Thanks to this mount you will also have the possibility of discovering otherwise inaccessible areas, in order to find treasures and secrets.
- Personal airships: Like the flying chocobos, players will be able to own their own transport ship. There is no doubt that this will allow access to new areas like that of the floating continent.
- New Tribes of Beastmen and New Primaries: On the program, two new tribes of beastmen. Each will of course have her own divinity, which she will surely not fail to invoke.
- Les Vanu Vanu. Silly men who look like big, wicked pigeons. Their primary is Bismarck, a monstrous flying creature. The fight promises to be full of surprises and will perhaps be based on the flying mounts.
- The Normal: They are large humanoid insects and will be associated with the primordial Ravana. This primordial, unlike the others, is not inspired by any other Final Fantasy. It will look like a large insectoid creature with several arms.
- New dungeons: New high level raids inspired by previous Final Fantasy will appear. A new type of raid will appear. This is something that LC members can do together. The difficulty will be located between the Crystal Tower and Bahamut. The content will also be divided into normal and hard mode so that it is accessible to all.
- New equipment and recipes: Not much above. It will certainly be a question of equipment and recipes for levels 50 and above, as well as new jobs.
- New animation of Transcendance: It will henceforth be specific for each job upon the arrival of 3.0. Level 3 Transcendences will all have a unique style.
- Hunt : Added new enemies. Speculation revolves around enemies like Odin and Behemoth.
- New PvP quests and maps: Added a daily quest for PvP. New combat zones are also being studied.
- Compatibility with directX 11: A new version, compatible with DirectX 11 will arrive at the same time as the release of the first expansion of the game. A presentation of this version will be made at the Fan Festival in Tokyo December 20 with elements of comparison between DirectX9 and 11 to clearly mark the differences. A little later a new benchmark will be proposed with the possibility of seeing the rendering with the two versions, which will allow the player to compare himself on his PC.
- European servers: A controversial subject for some time, the addition of servers Based in Europe should satisfy a number of players. Indeed, it is now recognized that European servers, paradoxically located in North America, provide a certain latency (or even a huge amount) during certain instances. Hope this will improve our gaming experience.
The information, although still rather vague, is becoming more and more important. One thing is certain, this expansion will deliver many epic battles to us as we all love them. See you now on December 20 for the Tokyo Fan Festival where new information will be revealed.
While waiting for new information and the arrival of this extension, here are some images as well as the official trailer.