In a long article on the official website, Paul Sage tells us more about the high-level PvP and PvE content that will be offered in The Elder Scrolls Online. By way of introduction, he reminds that there will be no specific equipment for a style of play, wanting to allow players to do what they want, when they want, if they want.
There are PvP opportunities in Cyrodiil regardless of our playstyle:
- Solo / duo : the size of the area allows for discreet solo expeditions
- Small group : Small coordinated groups can intervene in Cyrodiil and take control of important resources, such as farms. They stop other small groups or flush out solo players.
- Big group : The largest groups will be able in particular to attack or defend forts, but also to seize a Scroll of the Ancients or cut enemy supply lines.
Once at level 50, we will start to earn veteran ranks and access a lot of additional content.
- Solo / duo : once a maximum level and veteran rank 1, you can access another alliance. Then to the third covenant. The content is harder, offering more challenges but also everything that we could appreciate while increasing our levels: celestial shards, quests, dungeons, Dark Anchors, crafts, collections, achievements
- Small group (4 people):
- Veteran Dungeon : they are in additional floors of dungeons of smaller levels. There will be 6 Veteran Dungeons at launch.
- Adventure zones : It is a seemingly standard PvE zone, but instantiated and offering challenges for groups. There will always be a Boss and a Heavenly Shard. There are many things to do there: exploration, events similar to Black Anchors, quests, crafts ... It will be a necessary step to access the Trials. There will be an adventure zone at launch, Raidelorn.
- Big group (12 people):
- Test : this specific content is made up of a preparation area and the Event itself. The test consists of facing enemies, increasingly tough, within a time limit. Each error, especially deaths, inflicts a time penalty. There will be a limit on the number of resurrections which will cause the test to fail if it is reached. A classification will be made among the best groups having passed a test.
Other content is under development and will continue to expand the content offered over time. Paul Sage, for example, mentions horse races that would test his riding skills! I already dream of it!