The second raid wing was released recently and we already offer the guide to the first boss: laziness. Discover below the different mechanics of the boss as well as the different strategies to adopt to overcome it.
The mechanics of combat
The combat mechanics are not very complicated in themselves, but they are quite numerous and regular. The boss will use these skills throughout the fight and gain 2 new mechanics at 50 and 20% health. Find below the mechanics:
- Blue Mushroom
- Fixing
- Aura volatile
- Volatile poison
- Vermisseau
- Flamethrower
- Sleep
- Shaking
Correlated with the mechanics of the disappearance of the poison on the ground, the player who consumes the blue mushroom will transform into a worm. He will become hostile towards his companions and allies along with the boss and his minions. Your allies will need to be careful of their area spells and attraction spells that could kill you.
This transformation is limited in time and your goal will be to clear the path for your group by consuming the black mushrooms thanks to your spell # 1. Four mushrooms are available in the combat zone and they all appear at a certain point in the fight.
- Mushroom 1: 7.00 & 3.40
- Mushroom 2: 6.10 & 2.50
- Mushroom 3: 5.20 & 2.00
- Mushroom 4: 4.30 & 1.10

The boss does not need a tank character because his attention is on the character who will have the curse of fixing. It will randomly hit one of the players in the group every 30 seconds and will be announced by a purple icon above your character as well as on the interface. Be careful though because the target can change before 30 seconds under certain conditions:
- If the player consumes the blue mushroom
- If he falls to the ground
The goal of the person fixed will be to bring the boss quickly from point to point so that the green areas do not catch up with you.

This mechanic will cause three areas to appear below each player's feet. After the third zone, a boulder will fall and deal fairly high damage to the player hit as well as a significant stun (~ 5 seconds).
The telegraph associated with this attack is quite easy to notice in addition to the areas on the ground. In addition, this mechanic is time-regulated because it appears the first time at 6.45 and is repeated every 45 seconds (6.45, 6.00, 5.15, ...).
The volatile poison is one of the mechanics a little irritating of the combat because it requires a little reactivity. It is materialized by a green sign represented by a skull. After 5 seconds, an area of poison will appear under the player's feet and grow over time.
You will have to be careful with the placement of this mechanic as it can become lethal for your party. Typically, the targeted player will have to move away from the group and get far behind so as not to start the race of your group.
This mechanic is also regular because it starts at 6.35 and is repeated every 25 seconds (6.35, 6.10, 5.45, ...).
The worms that you must have crossed before arriving on the boss will also be part of this fight. They will appear from 6.30 and every 30 seconds thereafter (6.30, 6.00, 5.30, ...). They will be 5 in number each time and will inflict ranged damage as well as quite a few conditions. There are several solutions to counter these enemies:
- Use referral skills (referral wall, feedback, ...)
- Attract the worms on the boss to kill them quickly
You should know that normal worms have about 45K of life. At 20% health new evolved worms will spawn which will have more health as well as new melee attacks.
The Paressor's flamethrower is one of the most damaging attacks. Two things to know about this attack: it only targets the character set by the boss and the animation before the flamethrower is quite long.
To avoid it, you will just have to go behind its back as soon as the animation starts because the sloth will not move anymore.

The lazy will gain a defiance bar at certain stages of their life bar (80%, 60%, 40%, 20% and 5%). During this defiance bar, he will become invulnerable to all damage. You will need to destroy it quickly for two reasons:
- Lose time and enrage the boss after the timer runs out
- Get caught by poison areas.
Be careful at the end of it, the boss will inflict the fear curse on your group for 5 seconds. Fear as you already know will make you run in a straight line. If you don't counter this attack (dodge, out of range, stability, or distortion) you could end up in poison.
This mechanic reaches 50% of the boss's health and repeats every 45 seconds.
The shake is similar to the mechanics of Carnasse (one of the bosses in the Mist Fractals). It deals a lot of damage in addition to a lot of conditions and it cannot be reflected. To avoid falling during this attack, here are several solutions:
- Stand at a distance or dodge back
- Use skills that give resistance, warp, or block attacks
- Remove conditions from you and your allies quickly
The fight against the Paressor
As soon as your first player has taken the first blue mushroom, he will have to move towards the second by cleaning the different mushrooms to free the passage. The rest of the group will have to pay attention to the first Volatile Aura because the starting area is quite small. Immediately after, this one the person fixed previously will have to go towards the second mushroom. During the movement of the boss, it will be necessary to pay attention to the volatile poison as well as to the first arrival of worms.
Ideally, the first phase of sleep should happen before the second fungus appears. This can give you an idea of how much damage your party will need to have. At the end of the defiance bar, consider using stability spells or anti-condition spells.
The second mushroom will have to be taken by the second player. If your transformed player is killed by your group, you will have to think about a new placement of the boss. The easiest way to position the sloth towards a mushroom is to face the wall behind the mushroom. This will aim that the player taking the mushroom will not have to go through the boss but he will still have to do a double dodge to avoid any problems. This applies to all phases of the fungus.
The fight remains similar until the fourth mushroom because your group will reach around 50% health which will trigger the new boss mechanic: Shake. This mechanic will deal a lot of damage and wound most groups. To avoid the majority of the damage, you'll need to dodge the furthest from the sloth. There is still a trick (maybe related to a bug?) Which consists of placing yourself below the boss to take no damage.
The next mechanic will arrive at 20% of the boss with the evolved worms and you will be around the third mushroom of the second round. As before, the worms will have to be controlled by attraction or deflection spells.
If you follow the various tips above, you should be fine. Do not hesitate if you have a particular strategy or a video to suggest to us!