When building a city in SimCity, one of the most important building blocks for development is water! Water and electricity are vital for prosperity.
You need to place the water production units in the place where there is abundant groundwater and low soil pollution. To locate areas, use the water table map and the soil pollution map. Abundant underground areas will be indicated on your map by a blue spot. If you manage to place your units well, you will save a lot of money! Here are the two water production units that you can use:
- The water tower
The water tower is the cheapest building. It will give water to your whole city and therefore increase your population. As we can see in the picture, its capacity is 6 kgal per hour. It costs 3500 § for a maintenance of 100 § per hour.
- The pumping station
This building is better than the water tower but requires a lot more investment. It can supply water to thousands of inhabitants! If you use it well, you can get these upgrades that will purify wastewater and extract more water from your water tables. As we can see in the picture its capacity is 80 kgal per hour. It costs 44 § for a maintenance of 000 § per hour. However, remember, to construct this building you must already have a Town Hall with a Ministry of Public Services in the region.
To distribute your water, you must place your buildings at the side of the roads to allow distribution throughout your city.
Also remember not to place your buildings next to your factories otherwise your water could be polluted and unfortunately make your population sick. The "wastewater" tab provides information to help you manage wastewater. A gauge shows if your city needs an evacuation system. Through the bar on the right you can see the percentage of wastewater treated. Here are the two sewage disposal units that you can use:
- The sewage drain pipe
This inexpensive system allows wastewater to be evacuated. Be careful though because it pollutes the surrounding soil a lot. As we can see in the picture, its capacity is 11,7 kgal per hour for a maximum pollution of 120 ppm / h. It costs 000 § for a maintenance of 3500 § per hour.
- The wastewater treatment plant
More expensive but much more efficient, the wastewater treatment plant can treat wastewater and then inject it into the surrounding soil. As we can see in the picture, its capacity is 700 kgal per hour for a maximum flow rate of 52,5 kl / h. It costs 64 § for a maintenance of 000 § per hour. However, do not forget, as for the pumping station, to build this building you must already have a Town Hall with a Ministry of Public Services in the region.
Note that you can also conclude contracts between neighboring towns to buy water if you really cannot manage the needs of your population.