As we inform you recently in our article dedicated to bridges and tunnels, the new tool of SimCity 7.0 is now available in-game, it's about leveling!
Guillaume Pierre, chief gameplay writer on SimCity, presents the tool and its use.
Elevate a road
When constructing a road segment, all you need to do is press the touch ; in order to elevate the road. You will be able to create more or less high bridges and the space created under this road will be usable!

Under elevate a road
Same process but this time it will be necessary to use the N key in order to create an under-elevated road and even tunnels!
To conclude, this new tool is certainly one of the most important recently imported into the game. Another good blow on the traffic jams that still plagued the city. Now you can use this tool to pass the roads under your homes or even over certain points!
Share with us your photos of cities where you have been able to create tunnels and bridges!