You have come to the end of your parchment and your Novus is finally in your hands, but it's not over! Indeed with the update 2.38, we have a sequel. To upgrade an ancient weapon Novus, it is first necessary to carry out the "Ethereal seal" from it to Jalzahn. Paladins, don't forget to seal your sword AND shield. Doing one does not automatically seal the other.
The Zodiac Weapons Saga: Nexus quest can be obtained in Northern Forest (29,19) and is called "Harmonization of souls".
To be able to change your weapon it will be necessary to infuse it with 2000 points and each level is 200 points, so you have a total of 10 levels to perform.
Obtaining points
Here is a rather complicated subject to explain, indeed a lot of things give us points like for example dungeons, hazards, challenges, guild operations and raids.
Depending on their level, your weapon will accumulate a certain number of points. The problem is that you are never told how many points each activity brings, you are just given a sentence with the shine of your weapon, here is the detail of points by shine:
- Emits a dazzling glow !! (Light of a newborn star) = 64 points
- Emits a very bright shine! (Blinding light) = 48 points
- Emits a vivid glow! (Brillant light) = 24 points
- Emits faint glow (Bright light) = 16 points
- Emits very low glow (Gentle light) = 8 points
- Is almost imperceptiblee (Feeble light) = 4 points
To help you, here are the different levels to reach with the number of points each has:
- No Activity = 0 - 199
- "Almost Imperceptible" Ethereal Shard (Indistinct Activity) = 200-399
- "Very weak" Ethereal Shard (Faint Activity) = 400-599
- "Weak" Ethereal Shard (Slight Activity) = 600-799
- "Certain" Ethereal Shard (Modest Activity) = 800-999
- "Vivid" Ethereal Shard (Distinct Activity) = 1000-1199
- "Very Vivid" Ethereal Shard (Robust Activity) = 1200-1399
- "Extremely Vivid" Ethereal Shard (Vigorous Activity) = 1400-1599
- "Dazzling" Ethereal Shard (Intense Activity) = 1600-1799
- "Near Blinding" Ethereal Shard (Extreme Activity) = 1800-1999
- Bursting Activity = 2000+ (Complete)
Note that it is possible to check the degree of harmonization at any time by using the object "Zodiac telescope" when your Ethereal Seal weapon is equipped.
There are different types of "farming" (Farming consists of carrying out the same mission several times, hazard, the same raid, etc.) to obtain your weapon more or less quickly, however the method that has been mentioned the most in the various forums is here Brutal Primordial farming technique.
At different times of the day the brutals get bonus points to improve your weapon. A window of time grants this bonus and causes your weapon to pass through a combat of "Very weak shine (2 points)" à "Low shine (4 points)" it's up to you to find the essential which gives which bonus and when. Most of the time you can help yourself from team research on your server, a lot of players set up farming groups and indicate which primordial has the bonus. Finding a "farming" linksell can also be useful. Each bonus lasts two hours, it is completely random and can very well fall on the same primordial twice in a row. You can also help yourself from various "Tracker" sites which, if they are updated, allow you to know the current bonus. I found one still active on Reddit, but beware this site is in English!
After that ?
Once all this is done and your 2000 points have been acquired, you can finish the quest. "Harmonization of souls". Your weapon then passes ilevel 115 and you unlock the function to modify the attributes that had been given to ancient weapons Nexus et Novus with stellar scrolls. To make a change, contact Jalzahn in possession of a blank stellar scroll and choose the option "Adjust an ancient weapon novus / nexus". The latter will then transfer the power of the materia inside the parchment which will then allow the necessary adjustments to be made with the help ofHubairtin.
Here is the name and appearance of the different weapons Nexus :
- Weapon Paladin - Curtana nexus and Holy Shield nexus
- Weapon Moine - Sphairai nexus
- Weapon Guerrier - Nexus bravery
- Weapon Dragon Knight - gae bolg nexus
- Weapon Bard - Arc of Artemis nexus
- Weapon Ninja : Yoshimitsu nexus
- Two-handed weapon White Mage - Thyrse nexus
- Two-handed weapon Black Magus - Nexus Star Scepter
- WeaponSummoner - vertilvert nexus
- WeaponScholar - Omnilex nexus
Good luck and good luck everyone!