FFXIV: ARR offers you a new event: the Fête des Demoiselles which celebrates Princess Edvyna. This is a series of level 15 short quests.
The first is taken from a seneschal in Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa or Gridania. She will send you to talk to Serendipityat the Ul'dah Goldsmith's Guild. This concludes this first quest with 1680 experience points and 286 gil.
The second quest (and the following ones) will only be carried out if you have the mascot by your side. The latter will disappear if you log out or use another mascot. In this case, you will have to return to the quest giver to recover the mini princess Edvyna. You will be asked to go to the Vieille Gridania and talk to three young girls and then give them peach blossoms. The quest is validated by returning to Serendipity. Once again for 1680 experience points and 286 gil.

Careful, fragile princess
The next quest will take place at Limsa Lominsa, at Tillac. We need to target young girls and rain confetti. The reward is the same as before.

Snow has found a new princess
The last quest will be done in several stages. You will first have to dance in three different points ofUl'dah, then return to these same points to collect oil from the peach trees. As a reward, in addition to the experience, you will earn the mini princess Edvyna mascot and unlock an achievement: "The rose looks so good on you".
Congratulations! You have completed this event.

A princess who exudes the joy of living.
You can also supply yourself from the event merchant (Maidens Princess), next to each capital's quest giver to get:
- Peach blossom earring
- Confetti peach
- Rice cake

The Seneschal and the Princess of Ul'dah