Tuesday, March 29, following maintenance, update 3.25 was deployed on the servers.
Due to the many changes made to PvP mode "The Feast" with this update, the first season has been postponed and will begin approximately two weeks after the date originally planned. Patch 3.26 will be implemented in the meantime in order to make the very last adjustments necessary to the balance of the fights.
As a reminder :
- [2.0] - only requires the base game At Realm Reborn.
- [3.0] - content requires access rights to the Heavensward extension.
- [2.0] [3.0] Requires the base game and the expansion to have access to all the content.
Quests, Warrants, Lodgings, Gold Saucer
[3.0] A new quest from the Anima Weapons Saga has been added.
Large Companies
[2.0] The number of Company Seals required to obtain the items below has been reduced.
[2.0] [3.0] In the Orchestrion Song List, information about how to get some scrolls has been changed.
Gold Saucer
[2.0] Performance challenges have been added to chocobo races. They allow you to face special opponents.
- Terms of Access
- These challenges become available by contacting the registrar at the races counter in square des chocobos (6.1, 4.8).
- The chocobo entered must have exceeded a certain rating.
- These challenges become available by contacting the registrar at the races counter in square des chocobos (6.1, 4.8).
- Conditions of participation
- After having spoken to the registrar, all you have to do is select the "Performance challenge" option to participate in one of these races.
- It is not possible to register for a performance challenge while being in a team.
- After having spoken to the registrar, all you have to do is select the "Performance challenge" option to participate in one of these races.
- Ranks
- The performance challenges are divided into several ranks, which must be completed in ascending order. In addition, the conditions of participation and the required odds vary according to the rank.
- Rules
- The goal of a performance challenge is to finish the race before special opponents, without necessarily winning it by finishing first.
- Grouping with other players works the same as in regular races. Any place not occupied by a special opponent is occupied by another player.
- The goal of a performance challenge is to finish the race before special opponents, without necessarily winning it by finishing first.
- Special opponents
- A specific icon is displayed next to the name of the special opponents, which can be several during the same race depending on the selected rank. In this case, it is necessary to beat them all to achieve victory.
- The nameplate color for special opponents is the same as the one selected in the following option: System → Character Setup → Nameplates → NPCs → Enemies you have exclusive rights to.
- A specific icon is displayed next to the name of the special opponents, which can be several during the same race depending on the selected rank. In this case, it is necessary to beat them all to achieve victory.
[2.0] Additions and changes have been made to chocobo racing.
- New racing skills have been added.
- New racing items have been added.
- The amount of experience received as a reward has been increased.
- Opposing NPCs have had their stats reduced.
- The mechanisms and traps of the tracks are now less numerous and their positioning has been modified.
- When two or more players participate in a race, a bonus relating to their number is added to the experience received as a reward.
- Experience and PGS received as a reward have been increased based on distance traveled.
- The "Frenzy Potion" race item now also restores some energy when it is at zero.
- A message and visual effect will now notify the screen if the use of a skill or race item has failed.
- Scrolling text now signals on the screen if the "Chocoboomerang" ability effect has been triggered.
- The position of chests is now shown on the map and compass.
- For the sake of visibility, the appearance of energy bars has been changed.
- Chocobo names in the leaderboard now appear in the same color as the name plates.
- The intro scene played before each race can now be skipped automatically by choosing the necessary setting in the setup.
[2.0] Changes have been made to the list of items offered by the Chocobo Item Merchant at the Race Counter (5.9, 4.7).
- The PGS cost of the items below has been lowered.
- The items below can now be purchased for a fee in Gil from the Chocobo Items Vendor at the Race Counter (5.9, 4.7).
- Gysahl vegetables
- Special feed speed I
- Special acceleration feed I
- Special agility fodder I
- Special vitality feed I
- Special endurance fodder I
[2.0] The Gold Saucer attractions below have had their PGS reward increased.
- Chocobo races
- Clash of mascots
- Mini games
[2.0] The conditions and reward for some items in the Gold Saucer category of the goal book have been changed.

Battles - PvP - PvE
Player versus player
[3.0] Additions and modifications have been made to The Feast's PvP combat system.
- In preparation for the first season of The Feast, a "View Rankings" button and QR code have been added to the "PvP Profile" section of the Character menu.
- Adjustments have been made to PvP actions.
- Changes have been made to the rules in order to make the clashes more dynamic and to balance the resumption of the fight after a knockout
- The number of medals required to triumph in 8v8 battles has been reduced: 1200 → 1100
- Players automatically resume from the starting point of their camp 3 seconds after being knocked out
- The duration of the Invulnerability effect granted when resuming combat after a KO has been increased: 10s → 12s
- Adjustments have been made to supplies so that they have a greater impact on the course of combat.
- The health (HP) of the Adrenergic Supply crate has been reduced.
- 4 v 4 fights
- Additional offensive supplies appear automatically after a certain time after the start of combat.
- Defensive Supply Crates now appear only once, directly after the start of combat.
- 8 v 8 fights
- The number of Offensive and Defensive Supply Crates available at the start of a fight has been increased.
- Additional adrenergic, medic, offensive and defensive supplies automatically appear after a certain time after the start of combat.
- Some of the walls in the center of the arena have been removed.
- Adjusted the maximum and minimum PvP score variation values for Ranked Battles.
- The PvP score value for promotion battles has been adjusted for each tier.
- As a result of this change, the PvP scores have been reset to "The Feast (4x4 / solo)" and "The Feast (4x4 / preformed team)".
- Added March 29, 2016 at 6:30 am (GMT)
- An option "The Feast's Enemy Nameplates" has been added to the System → Character Setup → Nameplates → General menu.
- This setting is independent from that of the "Nameplates of PvP enemies" section.
- In order to speed up the grouping process, language settings are no longer taken into account when registering for "The Feast (4x4 / preformed team)".
Player vs. Environment
[3.0] The effect of the Echo has been enhanced in the raids of Alexander - Gordias (Sadistic).- Echo is activated as soon as the instance is accessed. The maximum health, damage inflicted and health restored by healing spells are then increased by 15%.
- The effect is not increased when the team is defeated and resumes combat.
- This change does not affect the normal version of Alexander - Gordias raids.
[3.0] The position of the starting point and shortcuts has been changed in the Alexander - The Fist of the Son (Sadistic) raid.
Objects and equipment
[2.0] [3.0] New items have been added.
[3.0] Replica Anima Weapons can now be purchased from the Breeding Device in Azys Lla (7.1, 11.2).- The reproduction device appears after completing the quest "Word to Spirit".
[3.0] New pieces of equipment can be materialized.
- Noble Mythrite Helmet of Fending
- Noble Mythrite Breastplate of Fending
- Noble Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending
- Primal Leather Breeches of Fending
- Sabatons en mithrite noble
- Primal Leather Headguard of Maiming
- Primal Leather Jaseran of Maiming
- Primal Leather Armguards of Maiming
- Primal Cloth Brailles of Maiming
- Primal Leather Legguards of Maiming
- Primal Leather Headguard of Striking
- Primal Leather Jaseran of Striking
- Primal Leather Armguards of Striking
- Primal Cloth Brailles of Striking
- Primal Leather Legguards of Striking
- Primal Cloth Hat of Aiming
- Primalcloth Arming Doublet of Aiming
- Long Primal Cloth Gloves of Aiming
- Primal Cloth Pants of Aiming
- Primal Leather Leggings of Aiming
- Primal Cloth Hat of Scouting
- Primalcloth Arming Doublet of Scouting
- Long Primal Cloth Gloves of Scouting
- Primal Cloth Pants of Scouting
- Primal Leather Leggings of Scouting
- Primal Cloth Hat of Healing
- Primal Cloth Doublet of Healing
- Long Primal Cloth Gloves of Healing
- Primal Cloth Pants of Healing
- Primal Leather Leggings of Healing
- Primal Leather Headguard of Casting
- Jaseran of primordial leather enchanter
- Charming leather armrest protector
- Charming skirt in premium fabric
- Primal Leather Boots of Casting
- Noble Mythrite Plate Belt
- Noble Mythrite Tasset of Maiming
- Noble Mythrite Tasset of Striking
- Primal Leather Ring of Aiming
- Primal Leather Ring of Scouting
- Healing corset in essential fabric
- Charming corset in essential fabric
- Camphor Tree Necklace of Fending
- Primal Earring of Fending
- Camphorwood Armilies of Fending
- Primal Ring of Fending
- Camphor Collar of Slaying
- Primal Earring of Slaying
- Camphor Armillas of Striking
- Primal Ring of Slaying
- Camphor Collar of Aiming
- Primal Earring of Aiming
- Camphor Tree Armilles of Aiming
- Primal Ring of Aiming
- Camphor Tree Necklace of Healing
- Primal Earring of Healing
- Camphor Armillas of Healing
- Primal Ring of Healing
- Enchanting necklace in camphor
- Primal Earring of Casting
- Camphor Tree Armilles of Casting
- Enchanting ring of enchanter
- Expedition moccasins
- Dhalmel leather loafers
- Expedition gloves
- Expedition wadersG
- ants in cuir de dhalmel sombre
- Dhalmelskin Thigh Boots
- This measure was put in place to prevent items limited to one purchase per account from being thrown away by mistake.
[2.0] The total number of items obtained during a synthesis has been reduced from 1 to 5 for some items.
- Special feed speed II
- Special acceleration feed II
- Agility II special fodder
- Special vitality feed II
- Endurance II special fodder
[2.0] [3.0] New achievements have been added.
[2.0] The conditions for the "Novice" online state have been changed to support more new players.- Avant
- have less than 40 hours of play (real time).
- After
- have less than 168 hours of play (real time), or not have completed the quest "The Torch of Hope".
- Characters for whom the "Novice" online state was removed before Update 3.25 can recover it by using the text command "/ novice (/ énovice) enabled" as long as they are still eligible.
- Mentors can now freely enable or disable automatic participation in the Novice Network.
- Automatic participation is disabled as of update 3.25. Mentors wishing to re-enable it can do so with the text command "/ reseaunovices (/ rnovices) enabled".
- The message that appears when a new player has been invited to the Novice Network by a mentor has been made clearer.
- A button for performing a player search that only considers novices has been added to the novice network window.
- New players can only access the Novice Network upon invitation from a mentor.
- We call on mentors to seek out and invite newbies who are not yet on the novice network.
- Mentors and Newbies no longer see the same message appear when a new player joins the network.

[2.0] The number of simultaneously displayable windows has been adjusted in order to lighten the load of graphical calculations. (PlayStation®3 version)
Resolved issues
The following issues have been fixed:
- It was sometimes impossible to defeat the golems of the Meanders of Bahamut IV.
- In Alexander - The Arm of the Son (Sadistic), the G-III Laminator G-III Magitek Vanguard action "Bomb Throw" could be dodged.
- In the Remains of the City of Amdapor (brutal), it was possible to progress without defeating certain monsters.
- In PvP, spellcasting could be interrupted by damage dealt by pets without reaching the minimum damage threshold.
- In The Feast, character names could be incorrect in the results table.
- In The Feast, the offensive and defensive boost icons were incorrect for pets.
- It was just a graphics problem; the effects were working properly.
- In The Feast, when players were defeated due to periodic damage, they would not drop medals in place if the opponent causing the damage had already left the arena.
- During chocobo races, chocobos with the "Gravity Resistance" racing ability could still suffer from the "Gravity" effect inflicted by the Morbol Running Obstacle.
- The animation for the "Prepare for Battle" emote was not triggering correctly with the "Last Resort Zeta" weapon equipped.
- Some hairstyles did not display properly with the "Aged Iga Zukin" headgear equipped.
- An item's submenu might not close if the player was using an item while the "Other" level was displayed.
- The proposed dyes for the item "Replica Allagan Heavy Legplates" were incorrect.
- Going from a size 150% to 200% for the high resolution interface could cause issues when a player swiped the map.
- Going from a size 150% to 200% for the high-resolution interface could cause issues with the display of the end credits of Update 3.0.
- The Terminal speed action was not included in the machine translation tool.
Other miscellaneous issues have also been fixed.
Known issues
- The description of the object "dressage manual: Super Sprint" is incorrect.
- The description of the "Super Sprint" ability is correct.
- When the log filter settings in the Character Setup menu are changed with the controller, the controller may not respond correctly.
- When the key assignment is changed with the joystick, it is sometimes not possible to go back when selecting the key.
- If this issue occurs, players with a keyboard and mouse can resolve it in one of two ways:
- 1 - Press a key of your choice on the keyboard then cancel with the joystick.
- 2 - Select another window with the mouse.
- Until this issue is fixed, players using only the controller as a control mode should restart the client to resolve it.