Final Fantasy XIV passed a few days ago. You've already been able to see it in-game, but it's not just the main epic quest that has been added, there is also other content like a raid, a dungeon etc. To help you best find all the quests and not miss anything, you can find the different elements of this new update below.
- Quest : https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68606/la+jeune+fille+et+le+vieux+samoura%C3%AF
- Level : Disciples of war or magic level 70.
- Location : Alphinaud - Reception room of the Bazar de Rubis (X6, Y6)
- Conditions :
Have finished the quest for the epic https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68565/la+pointe+de+l'aube
Raid & Challenges
Return to Ivalice: Ridorana Lighthouse
- Quest : https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68625/reptiles+et+boules+de+poils
- Level : Disciples of war or magic level 70.
- Location : Lina Mewrilah - Kugane (X10, Y12)
- Conditions :
Have finished the quest https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68540/la+cit%C3%A9+royale+de+rabanastre
Item level at least level 335
The Phantasmagoria of Ultima (fatal)
- Quest : Speak with the Minstrel in Kugane
- Level : Disciples of war or magic level 70.
- Location : Mestrand - Kugane (X11, Y12)
- Conditions :
Completed Floor 8 of Sadistic Sigmastice (O8S)
castle River?
- Quest : https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68610/the+primary+agreement
- Level : Disciples of war or magic level 70.
- Location : Hien-Yanxia
- Conditions :
Have finished the quest for the epic https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68609/conscripts+and+contingencies
Item level at least level 335
The Extreme version of the challenge unlocks after completing the normal version. It will be necessary to speak to menu for Kugane (X10, Y12).
Dungeons & Instances
The Swallow's Compass
- Quest : https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68552/un+gros+coup+de+vieux
- Level : Disciples of war or magic level 70.
- Location : Bunchin --Mer de Rubis (X27.8, Y16.4)
- Conditions :
Have finished the quest https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68551/l'%C3%AEle+aux+d%C3%A9mons
Item level at least level 330
The Pillar of Heaven (Bottomless Dungeon)
- Will be available from 4.35
Eureka Pagos
- Quest : The Pillar of Heaven
- Level : Disciples of war or magic level 61.
- Location : Hamakaze --Mer de Rubis (X6.2, Y11.7)
- Conditions :
Have finished the quest https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68026/isari,+village+lib%C3%A9r%C3%A9 and crossed the 50th basement of the Palace of the Dead
A second quest can be carried out as soon as you have crossed the 30th floor of the instance (Go higher) by talking to Kyusei at the Sea of Rubies (X21.4, Y9.2)
Side quests
Namazu tribal quest
- Quest : https://xivdb.com/quest/68632/something+fishy+this+way+comes
- Level : Disciples of the Hand or Earth level 60.
- Location : Weakened Namazu - Azim Steppe - (X17.4, Y37.5)
- Conditions :
Completed the quests https://xivdb.com/quest/68053/in+crimson+they+walked & https://xivdb.com/quest/68276/kurobana+vs.+gyorin
The quest https://xivdb.com/quest/68276/kurobana+vs.+gyorin becomes available by completing the two sets of quests starting respectively with https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68270/quand+les+ fish + will + have + trees & https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68272/un+cas+d%C3%A9sesp%C3%A9r%C3%A9
- Quest : The bodyguard
- Level : Disciples of war or magic level 70.
- Location : Shigure - Kugane (X13.2, Y13.3)
- Conditions :
Have finished the quest https://fr.xivdb.com/quest/68557/chasse+au+gentilhomme
A second quest can then be carried out (Sniff the trick) by talking to Shigure in Kugane (X10, Y7.8)
Enclave de doma
- Quest : https://xivdb.com/quest/68677/it+takes+an+enclave
- Level : Disciples of war or magic level 70.
- Location : Kozakura - Landlocked district of Doma (X5, Y5)
- Conditions :
Completed the quest https://xivdb.com/quest/68623/a+thousand+and+one+farewells
Special orders from Kurenai
- Quest : https://xivdb.com/quest/68675/the+seaweed+is+always+greener
- Level : Disciples of the Hand or Earth level 62.
- Location : Issamissaire Kojin - Kugane (X10, Y9)
- Conditions :
Completed the quest https://xivdb.com/quest/68541/none+forgotten,+none+forsaken & https://xivdb.com/quest/68243/the+two+princesses+of+sui-no-sato