To Realm Awoken brings PvP with the Wolves' Den. In this arena you will be able to engage in fights 4vs4. But before you jump into these clashes, take a look at what's in store for you.
L'Antre des Loups is a creation of the scourge: this island arose from the waters in the middle of the Galadion Bay. It was discovered by a crew of Roegadyns from the Sea Clan sailing with their warship on Coeurbrave. Informed of this discovery, Admiral Bloefhiswyn took possession of the island, strategically well placed and naming it Wolf's Den in honor of the crew of the Coeurbrave. She decided to use it for military training. The other Large Companies then asked to be able to participate as well and Bloefhiswyn saw no problem.
To participate in PvP, you will first need to complete the quest Lair of Wolves Level 30 with your Grande Compagnie:
- Immortals : speak to Swift in Ul'dah - suburb of Nald (8,8).
- Maelstrom : contact R'ashaht Rhiki at Tillac (13,12).
- Order of the two vipers : contact Vorsaile Heuloix at Nouvelle Gridania (9,11).
Of course, you have to be a follower of war or magic to take part in combat. Your quest completed, it's time to go to the Den. Go to Basse-Noscea at Moraby Shipyard and talk to the skipper.
Rules, information
The fights are divided into several categories, depending on your level and how the group was formed:
The groupes of 4 players must be composed of a tank, a healer and two DPS. Note that you cannot invite someone to join your party during PvP combat.
Once registered, you will automatically be placed in a two camps : Fangs or Claws. You will then have two minutes before the fight begins. Once in the arena, your displayed name will change to Fresh meat. However you can consult the real name of the players in the combat log. Your level is also synchronized to that of the arena.
All actions learned by your character are available. But things are different from PvE:
- Spells are always interrupted when damage is received.
- The damage inflicted by the bows depends on the distance to the target.
You win combat when all members of the opposing team are unconscious. If neither team is defeated within the allotted time, it is a draw. After the fight, you receive in reward PvP points and Wolf Marks. Their amount depends on the outcome of the fight and the type of arena.
All PvP gear includes the moral attribute. This only has an effect during level 50 arena fights and influences players' physical and magical defenses. Additionally, this attribute affects damage dealt to other players.
Ranks, awards
The PvP points earned allow you to increase a rang JcJ and receive points d'action. You can also unlock titles with certain ranks, titles which also depend on your Grand Company. In short: you earn points, they increase your rank. Increasing your rank earns you action points.
Back to points d'action : they allow you to acquire actions and traits that improve those actions dedicated to PvP
- All
- Features
- Testudo: Reduces damage taken by target teammate by 30%. Duration: 8s
Cannot be used on oneself. - Improved Testudo: reduced recharge time to 180s
- Improved Testudo II: duration of effect extended to 16s
- Improved Testudo III: Damage reduction increased to 50%
- Glorious Laceration: You land an attack in a fan-shaped area in front of you. Power: 140
One of the target's beneficial effects disappears. - Improved Glorious Laceration: decreased recharge time to 180s
- Improved Glorious Laceration II: Potency increased to 200
- Full Momentum: You deal a physical attack on the target. Power: 150
Periodic damage Potency: 30 Duration: 15s
Increases the damage received by the target by 10% Duration: 15s - Improved Full Momentum: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Full Momentum II: increased effect duration to 25s
- Improved Full Momentum III: Effect increased to 20%
- Remotivation: You recover 50% of your PT.
- Improved Motivation: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Motivation II: Effect increased to 75%
- Mithril Storm: You deal a physical attack on nearby enemies. Power: 140
Throws the target 15 yalms back and inflicts a Stun. Duration: 2s - Improved Mithril Storm: decreased recharge time to 150s
- Improved Mithril Storm II: Potency increased to 200
- Improved Mithril Storm III: increased effect duration to 4s
- Thrill of War: Your HP and those of nearby teammates increase by 15% and you recover the increased amount. Duration: 15s
- Improved Thrill of War: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Thrill of War II: increased effect duration to 25s
- Improved Thrill of War III: increased effect to 25%
- Full Momentum: You deal a physical attack on the target. Power: 150
Periodic damage Potency: 30 Duration: 15s
Increases the damage received by the target by 10% Duration: 15s - Improved Full Momentum: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Full Momentum II: increased effect duration to 25s
- Improved Full Momentum III: Effect increased to 20%
- Drop Kick: You deal a physical attack on surrounding enemies. Power: 160
Prevents enemies from using weapon techniques Duration: 5s
Gain Lightning Speed for 12s. - Improved Falling Kick: decreased recharge time to 180s
- Improved Falling Kick II: increased potency to 240
- Improved Falling Kick III: increased effect duration to 9s
- Somersault: You make a physical attack on the target. Power: 160
Reduces the target's haste by 30%. Duration: 10s - Improved Somersault: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Somersault II: increased effect duration to 20s
- Improved Somersault III: increased effect to 50%
- Emancipation: You are immune to Stun, Sleep, Restraint, Gravity, and Sickness effects. Duration: 5s
Improved Emancipation: Cooldown reduced to 120s
Improved Emancipation II: Effect duration extended to 10s - Weapon Throw: You make a ranged physical attack on the target. Power: 50
Inflicts 20% Gravity effect on target and negates Sprint effect if attack is from behind. Duration: 6s - Improved Weapon Throw: decreased recharge time to 60s
- Improved Weapon Roll II: Duration increased to 12s
- Improved Weapon Roll III: Gravity increased to 40%
- Remotivation: You recover 50% of your PT.
- Improved Motivation: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Motivation II: Effect increased to 75%
- Sudden Pulse: You make a physical attack on the target. Power: 200
Weapon abilities have their PT cost reduced by 30% and can be cast in any direction. Duration: 10s - Improved Sudden Pulse: decreased recharge time to 180s
- Improved Sudden Pulse II: Effect duration extended to 20s
- Improved Sudden Pulse III: Effect increased to 50%
- Skewer: You make a physical attack on the target. Power: 180
Target's intelligence is reduced by 20%. Duration: 10s - Improved skewer: reduced recharge time to 150s
- Improved plugging II: effect duration extended to 20s
- Improved plug-in III: effect increased to 40%
- Emancipation: You are immune to Stun, Sleep, Restraint, Gravity, and Sickness effects. Duration: 5s
- Improved Emancipation: Cooldown reduced to 120s
- Improved Emancipation II: Effect duration extended to 10s
- Weapon Throw: You make a ranged physical attack on the target. Power: 50
Inflicts 20% Gravity effect on target and negates Sprint effect if attack is from behind. Duration: 6s - Improved Weapon Throw: decreased recharge time to 60s
- Improved Weapon Roll II: Duration increased to 12s
- Improved Weapon Roll III: Gravity increased to 40%
- Remotivation: You recover 50% of your PT.
- Improved Motivation: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Motivation II: Effect increased to 75%
- Mana Song: Nearby teammates regain 25% of their MP.
- Improved Mana Song: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Mana Song II: Effect increased to 40%
- Long Shot: You deal a ranged physical attack on the target. Power: 140
Power is not affected by distance. Critical attack chance is increased by 15%. - Improved Far Shot: decreased recharge time to 120s
- Improved Far Shot II: increased potency to 190
- Improved Far Shot III: Critical Chance increased by 10%
- Repelling Shot: You deal a physical attack on the target and enemies near it. Power: 150
Throws enemies 10 yalms back. - Improved Repelling Shot: decreased recharge time to 180s
- Improved Repelling Shot II: increased potency to 200
- Improved Repelling Shot III: Increased projection to 15 yalms
- Mana Regeneration: You recover 30% of your maximum MP.
- Improved Mana Regeneration: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Mana Regeneration II: Effect increased to 50%
- Holy Prism: You create a beneficial aura at the target location, which heals teammates and reduces damage taken by 40%. Healing power: 50 Duration: 18s
- Improved Holy Prism: reduced recharge time to 180s
- Improved Sacred Prism II: Duration extended to 30s
- Improved Holy Prism III: increased healing power to 100
- Breath of God: The target regains consciousness with 10% of their maximum HP / MP / PT.
- Improved Divine Breath: decreased recharge time to 180s
- Improved Divine Breath II: HP / MP / PT recovered increased to 50%
- Ethereal Blast: You deal neutral magic damage to nearby enemies. Power: 170
Reduces target's liveliness by 30%. Duration: 10s - Improved Ethereal Blast: decreased recharge time to 180s
- Improved Ethereal Blast II: increased duration to 20s
- Improved Ethereal Blast II: Reduction increased to 50%
- Equanimity: Your spells are not interrupted by attacks. Duration: 10s
- Improved Equanimity: decreased recharge time to 300s
- Improved Equanimity II: Duration increased to 20s
- Mana Regeneration: You recover 30% of your maximum MP.
- Improved Mana Regeneration: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Mana Regeneration II: Effect increased to 50%
- Harmony: You greatly increase your dodge and reduce damage taken by 90%. You cannot move or act for the duration of the effect. Duration: 10s
- Improved Harmony: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Nightwing: The target and enemies near it are affected by the Sleep effect.Duration: 10s
- Improved Night Wing: reduced recharge time to 180s
- Improved Night Wing II: increased duration to 20s
- Ghost Projectile: You deal neutral magic damage to the target. Power: 120
Elemental resistances of the target are reduced by 10%. Duration: 15s - Improved Ghost Projectile: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Ghost Projectile II: increased power to 180
- Improved Ghost Projectile III: Duration increased to 30s
- Ethereal Blast: You deal neutral magic damage to nearby enemies. Power: 170
- Reduces target's liveliness by 30%. Duration: 10s
- Improved Ethereal Blast: decreased recharge time to 180s
- Improved Ethereal Blast II: increased duration to 20s
- Improved Ethereal Blast II: Reduction increased to 50%
- Equanimity: Your spells are not interrupted by attacks. Duration: 10s
- Improved Equanimity: decreased recharge time to 300s
- Improved Equanimity II: Duration increased to 20s
- Mana Regeneration: You recover 30% of your maximum MP.
- Improved Mana Regeneration: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Mana Regeneration II: Effect increased to 50%
- Shroud of Mist: You reduce the target's range by 10%. Duration: 15s
The range cannot be reduced to less than 3 yalms. - Improved Veil of Mist: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Veil of Mist II: increased duration to 25s
- Improved Veil of Mist III: reduced reduction to 30%
- Wither: You deal neutral magic damage in a fan-shaped area in front of you. Power: 170
One of the beneficial effects of enemies in the area of effect disappears. - Improved Wither: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Ethereal Blast: You deal neutral magic damage to nearby enemies. Power: 170
- Reduces target's liveliness by 30%. Duration: 10s
- Improved Ethereal Blast: decreased recharge time to 180s
- Improved Ethereal Blast II: increased duration to 20s
- Improved Ethereal Blast II: Reduction increased to 50%
- Equanimity: Your spells are not interrupted by attacks. Duration: 10s
- Improved Equanimity: decreased recharge time to 300s
- Improved Equanimity II: Duration increased to 20s
- Mana Regeneration: You recover 30% of your maximum MP.
- Improved Mana Regeneration: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Mana Regeneration II: Effect increased to 50%
- Aura Detonation: You deal neutral magic damage to nearby enemies. Power: 150
Throws enemies 10 yalms back. - Improved Aura Detonation: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Aura Detonation II: increased potency to 200
- Improved Aura Detonation III: increased projection to 15 yalms
- Focusing Treatise: You increase the magic resistances of surrounding teammates by 15%. Duration: 15s
- Improved Focus Treatise: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Focus Treaty II: Duration increased to 25s
- Improved Focus Treatise III: Resistances increased to 25%
- Ethereal Blast: You deal neutral magic damage to nearby enemies. Power: 170
- Reduces target's liveliness by 30%. Duration: 10s
- Improved Ethereal Blast: decreased recharge time to 180s
- Improved Ethereal Blast II: increased duration to 20s
- Improved Ethereal Blast II: Reduction increased to 50%
- Equanimity: Your spells are not interrupted by attacks. Duration: 10s
- Improved Equanimity: decreased recharge time to 300s
- Improved Equanimity II: Duration increased to 20s
- Mana Regeneration: You recover 30% of your maximum MP.
- Improved Mana Regeneration: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Improved Mana Regeneration II: Effect increased to 50%
- Harmony: You greatly increase your dodge and reduce damage taken by 90%. You cannot move or act for the duration of the effect. Duration: 10s
- Improved Harmony: Cooldown reduced to 180s
- Depuration: You heal any state alterations regardless of the ones you suffer.
- Improved Depuration: reduced recharge time to 150s
- Improved Strength (PvP): Strength is increased by 4 points.
- Improved Strength II (PvP): Increases strength by an additional 8 points
- Improved Strength III (PvP): Increases strength by an additional 13 points
- Improved Dexterity (PvP): Dexterity is increased by 4 points.
- Improved Dexterity II (PvP): Increases dexterity by an additional 8 points
- Improved Dexterity III (PvP): Increases dexterity by an additional 13 points
- Improved Vitality (PvP): Vitality is increased by 4 points.
- Improved Vitality II (PvP): Increases Vitality by an additional 8 points
- Improved Vitality III (PvP): Increases Vitality by an additional 13 points
- Improved Intelligence (PvP): Intelligence is increased by 4 points.
- Improved Intelligence II (PvP): Increases intelligence by an additional 8 points
- Improved Intelligence III (PvP): Increases intelligence by an additional 13 points
- Improved Spirit (PvP): Spirit is increased by 4 points.
- Improved Spirit II (PvP): Increases Spirit by an additional 8 points
- Improved Spirit III (PvP): Increases Spirit by an additional 13 points
- Improved Piety (PvP): Piety is increased by 4 points.
- Improved Piety II (PvP): Increases Piety by an additional 8 points
- Improved Piety III (PvP): Increases Piety by an additional 13
When you learn an action, it is displayed in the PvP section of the "Actions and traits" menu (default K shortcut on keyboard). If you wish to use it, you must check its box so that it appears in the list at the bottom of the window, then place the icon on your shortcut bar. You note that you can equip up to 10 PVP actions. Diamonds indicate the number of times the action has been improved.
The wolf marks Used to purchase equipment, materials, and other items for PvP only.

Be master of your emotions and may the best win!