The purpose of white magic is to heal and purify allies. In the past, power-hungry men abused the power of white magic causing great catastrophes. Its use was prohibited. Secretly rehabilitated by the Padjals of Gridania who teach it to a handful of Mages, the white magic used wisely allows to save many people on the verge of death.

The White Mage Kagert Kamui
- The White Mage is a job that has the role of healer
- To unlock this job you must be Lv.30 Elementalist and Lv.15 Arcanist
- Actions
- Features
- Talents
The White Mage has all of the Elementalist's actions:
- Lv1: Earth
- Lv. 2: Healing
- Lv. 4: Wind
- Lv. 6: Presence of the Priest
- Lv.8: Shield
- Lv.10: Medical
- Lv.12: Life
- Lv. 15: Aquatic Aura
- Lv. 18: Healing
- Lv. 22: Extra Earth
- Lv. 26: Serenity
- Lv.30: Extra Heal
- Lv. 34: Breastplate
- Lv. 38: Veil of Saints
- Lv. 42: Mega Heal
- Lv. 46: Extra Wind
- Lv.50: Medical Extra
And actions specific to the job:
- Lv. 30: Presence of Spirit
- Lv. 35: Recover
- Lv.40: Divine Seal
- Lv. 45: Miracle
- Lv.50: Blessing
- Lv.50: Extra Breastplate
- Nv.52: Asile
- Lv. 54: Mega Earth
- Lv. 56: Seating
- Lv. 58: Mega Wind
- Nv. 60: Tetragramme
- Lv.8: Improved Spirit I
- Lv.14: Improved Spirit II
- Lv.16: Shield Improved
- Lv.20: Effectiveness of Actions Improved
- Lv. 24: Improved Spirit III
- Lv. 28: Improved Life
- Lv. 32: Improved Healing
- Lv. 36: Improved Breastplate
- Lv.40: Effectiveness of Actions Increased II
- Lv. 44: Improved Extra Heal
- Lv. 48: Veil of Saints Improved
- Arcanists Nv1: Ruine
- Arcanist Lv. 5: Medicine
- Arcaniste Nv. 12: Virus
- Arcanist Lv. 34: Guardrail
- Occultist Nv. 8: Stoicism
- Occultiste Nv. 12: Extra Glace
- Occultist Lv. 26: Quick Magic