Accessible at level 57 via the epic, the Vault is located in the heart of Ishgard.
You are starting to get used to it: eliminate everything that crosses your path while not forgetting the chests.
After this little walk, the first boss awaits you: Sire Adelphel. Like the next ones, he will transform into a much more powerful knight after a few hits. It has several attacks:
- Holy of Holies deals damage to the entire party.
- Holy Shield Bash: A green sign appears on one of the players and Sir Adelphel charges him afterward. The player finds himself stunned for a few moments and the knight executes two attacks on his target.
- Appearance of incandescent spheres that the Knight of Azure will absorb by rushing on them. When exploding they inflict the Bleeding condition. It follows quickly, your healer should not be bored. After Sir Adelphel sprints, he will end by targeting a player with a yellowish icon and dealing Execution.
When you have shown him who is the boss, Sire Adelphel will take flight, leaving the way free to continue the visit of the Vault.
We always think of looting the chests:
Then the passage will be blocked. Two Hero's Faces will appear and a door will open when they die.
After having traversed the long corridors, a second Knight of Azure wants to face us. This time it is Sire Grinnaux. Like its counterpart, it will transform.
It uses several area attacks:
- Dimensional collapse: it can take the form of two circles taking part of the arena or of several semicircles.
- Hyperdimensional laceration: in a straight line it will then cause a dimensional tear to appear. If you stay within range, it will deal damage and condition to you.
- Unchanging Faith: An area attack that deals damage and knocks you back.
- Dimensional tear: a half sphere materializes. If you enter it you suffer Interstellar Implosion. I took over 5000 damage as a Dark Mage, I was able to pick up my teeth.

Don't dawdle too much to kill Sire Grinnaux otherwise you will have the arena filled with Dimensional Rip which will make it harder for you!
After defeating the second Knight, continue on your way while collecting the chests.
In the last circular room, watch out for enemies that will appear, summoned by the priest. If your tank is a little soft in the knee, others may leave a few teeth ...
After all its rooms and corridors, you finally reach the last Knight of the Azure. He will also transform and use various attacks:
- Celestial Flame: Ring of Fire appearing under each player.
- Sacred chain: a chain will link two players. To break it, they will have to move away from each other. Be responsive because it hurts.
- Funeral Pyre: An area attack that damages the entire party.
- Throughout the fight, Sire Charibert will summon puppets. The latter simply cross the arena, position yourself so that you are not in their path.

Halfway through his life, Sire Charibert is determined to burn you alive. He will place himself in the center of the combat zone and will spawn several Holy Fire around him. You have to kill them quickly or else they will explode and deal serious damage to you. purity of heart
During this time the puppets placed at his side will make some AOEs online.
Once this phase is over, all you have to do is continue the fight, paying attention to his attacks. The only thing that changes is Celestial Flame which will now happen twice.
Good luck for the future !
Loot List
- Weapons:
- Inquisitor's Sword
- Frater legs
- Inquisitor's Ax
- Hallebarde d'ostiaire
- Auditor's bow
- Vicar's Left Hands
- Inquisitor's Greatsword
- Listener carabiner
- Priest's butt
- Exorcist's Staff
- Exorcist's Grimoire
- Priest's Codex
- Priest's Planisphere
- Inquisitor's Shield
- All classes:
- Inquisitor's Bracelets
- Inquisitor's Ring
- Inquisitor's Choker
- Inquisitor's earrings
- Frater bracelets
- Frater choker
- Frater earrings
- Frater ring
- Listener bracelets
- Auditor's choker
- Listener earrings
- Listener's Ring
- Exorcist bracelets
- Exorcist's Ring
- Exorcist earrings
- Exorcist choker
- Priest bracelets
- Priest's Ring
- Priest's choker
- Priest earrings
- GLA - MRD - PLD - GUE - CHN:
- Inquisitor's Helmet
- Inquisitor's Breastplate
- Inquisitor's Gauntlets
- Inquisitor's corset
- Inquisitor's Pants
- Solerets of inquisitor
- HAS - DRG :
- Ostiary helmet
- Oyster Breastplate
- Gantelets d'ostiaire
- Oyster corset
- Ostiary pants
- Solerets d'ostiaire
- PGL - MOI:
- Frater helmet
- Frater breastplate
- Frater gloves
- Frater's Ringed Belt
- Frater brailles
- Frater military boots
- ARC - BRD - MCH:
- Headphones
- Listener's Breastplate
- Listener Gloves
- Listener's Ringlet Belt
- Listener's Brailles
- Listener's Military Boots
- ON - NIN:
- Vicar's Helmet
- Vicar's breastplate
- Vicar's gloves
- Vicar's Ringed Belt
- Vicar's Brailles
- Vicar's military boots
- OCC - ACN - MNO - INV:
- Exorcist hat
- Exorcist robe
- Exorcist Gloves
- Exorcist corset
- Exorcist breeches
- Exorcist's Thighboots
- Priest's Klobouk
- Priest's dawn
- Priest's Gloves
- Priest's corset
- Priest's breeches
- Priest's thigh boots
- Crafting materials, mascot:
- Baby unicorn
- Colorless prism I
- Colorless prism II
- Colorless prism III
- Colorless prism IV
- Colorless prism V
- Snow White Stain
- Ivory dye
- Honey yellow dye
- Creamy yellow dye