Here's a new way to go on an adventure and get some rewards! Treasure Hunting, as the name suggests, allows you to search for hidden chests in Eorzea using a map.
The cards
cards are obtained through harvesting, by Earth Disciples, on points level 40 and above. Excluded are intact harvest points and the Sea of Clouds.
When a collector obtains a card on a point, it temporarily disappears from the list of resources available on that point. In addition, he can only harvest one every 18 hours. They are not noted in the harvest or fishing log.
Cards are unique items and can be traded or sold at the Merchant Quarter.
There are several types of card, some rarer than others:
- Old leather map : mature trees, vegetation, ore veins, stone quarries and level 40 fishing points.
- Old ibex skin map : mature trees, vegetation, ore veins, stone quarries and level 45 fishing points.
- Old toad skin map : mature trees, vegetation, ore veins, stone quarries, fishing points on the south coast of the islands of Ombra and Hâtegel level 50.
- Old Boarskin Map : mature trees, vegetation, ore veins, stone quarries, looters' wharf and level 50 Entanglement fishing points.
- Old peisteskin map : mature trees, vegetation, ore veins, stone quarries, fishing spots in Lake Tahtotl, Parata's Repos and northern Pierrechantantes level 50.
It is the turn of the disciples of War and Magic to play! To be able to use a map, you will need to complete a quest, "the joy of the treasure hunt" in Port-aux-Vins (Eastern Noscea (X: 21 Y: 21)) by contacting the NPC H'loonh. This quest will allow you to learn two actions necessary for your hunt:
- Deciphering : you remove the old maps from their glass prison and decipher their mysterious symbols.
- Excavation : You probe the surroundings and unearth the chests indicated by the treasure maps. Area of effect: 30m
Use decipher first to turn the old map into a treasure map. The map will then give you various information: location of the chest, number of adventurers recommended for hunting.
- Old leather map : level 40, recommended for 1 player.
- Old ibex skin map : level 45, recommended for 1 player.
- Old toad skin map : level 50, recommended for 1 player.
- Old Boarskin Map : level 50, recommended for 1 player.
- Old peisteskin map : level 50, recommended for 8 players.
All you have to do is go to the location indicated and look for your treasure. Use Excavation to find it. If you are in the right place, the chest will appear.
However, your safe may turn out to be trap and attract enemies. You will have to defeat them within the allotted time to be able to retrieve the chest.
You must not change zones during your hunt. So remember to put your point of repatriation in the hunting area in case you die.
Defeated enemies and the recovered chest, all those who participated in the hunt receive a reward. The latter, determined by the degree of difficulty of the hunt, can be made up of experience points, gils, memoquartz, shards, pieces of equipment, pets, etc.
Good luck!