Considering the place secure since the adventurers' incursion, the firm of the Good Lodes of Amajina et fils has undertaken to mount an archaeological excavation expedition with the collaboration of the Order of Nald'thal. Alas, the rumor that treasures were sleeping in the ancient palace drew curious people, and tomb robbers infiltrated along with archaeologists, triggering some traps in the temple. The young researcher Nenekko thus finds herself trapped inside with her team. Someone has to deliver them before it's too late ...
To gain access to this dungeon, you will need to complete the quest The Desecrators of Qarn and have completed the dungeon The Buried Temple of Qarn as well as the quest for the epic The ultimate pass of arms. The minimum Ilvl required to enter is 80.
We usually take the right path on the way back. For this dungeon, we will take a left!
Then, after some monsters and a recovered moonstone, we arrive after a vertiginous fall in front of the first boss.
We are facing a recomposed statue: the damaged adjucator !
Damaged adjucator
During this fight, several members will appear to our boss. We'll have to destroy the shining member. Here the arm for example.
After destroying this arm, theAdjucator disappears and makes three Spiders of the ruins.
Once eliminated, the Adjucator returns. This mechanism is present until the death of the three members. During this time, a person will be targeted by an orange mark.
You will have to move as far as possible from the boss and his teammates, because a ball will appear on the targeted person in his position and will emit an area that will cause you to suffer damage. So you have to get out of it quickly and not go into it.
After the death of the second limb, a new mechanism is put in place. Two areas of quicksand appear in the room.
You must get out of it at the risk of dying in it engulfed. You just have to kill the last member and it's over for the damaged adjucator. Here you are the winners of the damaged adjucator.
Pampa Empress
We then face several monsters to get to the front Pampa Empress
Like all pampas, his attacks will be needles in area so be careful for the characters playing melee.
Our Empress will always be accompanied by soldiers. You will always have to kill them first. Our Empress is counting her needles very often. She will count them 3 times in all, so you will have to tap on her as quickly as possible to make her stop her spell. The name of this spell is 100 Needle Miles and make him lose his count.
There isn't much more to know about her. She will spawn a champion Pampa, he will decide to target someone and not change it.
It will then be necessary to kill him as quickly as possible before a new count of our dear Pampa Empress.
When she begins her third spell 100 Needle Thousand, a soldier pampas will appear. It will be connected to it by a green wire.
It will then be necessary to kill him as quickly as possible in order to then be able to hit the Empress to stop his spell.
If the spell is not stopped, she kills the entire party. Here you are the winners of Pampa Empress.
You must then go back to fight a series of monsters and, thanks to all the moonstones collected, open the passage to the last boss.
Assistant to the babysitter
It is quite impressive and beautiful at the same time. When engaging in combat, the tank will leave it in the middle. This boss will require a lot of movement from you. After a few seconds, two lines of sarcophagi will appear on the sides. Their appearance is random.
We must not stay in their trajectories. To avoid them, it's simple, they cross the room in a straight line.
If you have the misfortune to cross their path, a curse will be sent to you.
If you have 4 debuff, you lose control of your character for more than 30 seconds. During your transformation, you will be mummified. If a teammate gets in your way, you inflict a debuff of curse.
From time to time the boss will have his weapon which will become violet.
You will not have to stay in front of him because he will then cast an online spell which will add a charge of curse.
The last attack of this boss is a link that will be put between a player and him. To find out which character will have this link, an orange target is placed above the character ...
... then the link is effective.
Every 5 seconds, you will receive a curse until you are locked in a sarcophagus. All the difficulty of this boss is to avoid as much as possible to have unnecessary charges. If you manage to avoid them, the death of our Assistant to the babysitter will be easy.
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