If you need ore or gems, this is the place to go. Mainly located in Ul'dah, the miners roam the continent in search of ore, metal, various carbonic materials. They worship Oschon, god of travel.
- The Miners Guild is located in Ul'dah
- Miners collect all types of minerals, but also reagents.
- Actions
- Talents
- Features
- Lv. 1: Prospector
- Lv. 3: Geology
- Lv. 4: Piercing Sight
- Lv. 5: Piercing Sight II
- Lv. 6: Geology II
- Lv.8: Furtivité
- Lv. 10: Piercing Sight III
- Lv.12: Preparation
- Lv. 15: Unearthing
- Lv. 20: Byregot's Grace
- Nv. 20: Grâce de Nald'thal
- Lv. 20: Thaliak's Grace
- Nv.23 : Vision claire
- Lv. 24: Abundant Extraction
- Lv. 25: Solid Reason
- Lv. 25: Enduring Stamina
- Lv.30: Royal Harvest
- Lv. 35: Unearthing II
- Lv.40: Royal Harvest II
- Lv. 46: Mineral Science
- Lv.50: Montagnard's Labor
- Lv.50: Collector's Glove
- Lv.50: Methodical Assessment
- Lv.50: Shrewd Eye
- Lv. 51: Instinctive Assessment
- Lv. 51: Maximum Attention
- Lv. 52: Deep breathing
- Lv. 53: Impulsive Assessment
- Lv. 55: Highlander's Luck
- Lv. 57: Resolute Mind
- Lv. 58: Dredging
- Nv.59: Ultimate effort
- Nv.60: Dragage II
- Lv. 2: Auto Prospector
- Lv. 11: Stone Lover
- Lv.16: Stone Lover II
- Lv. 18: Improved Stealth
- Lv. 21: Stone Lover III
- Lv. 26: Stone Lover IV
- Lv. 28: Improved Stealth II
- Lv. 38: Improved Stealth III
- Lv. 41: Grace of the Twelve
- Lv. 42: Grace of Nymeia
- Lv.50: Grace of the Twelve II
- Lv.50: Improved Stealth IV
- Lv. 53: Stone Lover V
- Lv. 53: Improved Stealth V
- Lv. 56: Improved Stealth VI
- Botanist Lv. 1: Forester
- Botanist Lv. 3: Dendrology
- Botanist Lv. 6: Dendrology II
- Botanist Lv. 20: Grace of Nophica
- Botanist Lv. 20: Grace of Menphina
- Botanist Lv. 20: Grace of Llymlaen