It is not only the Ishargais knights who defend the holy city. The Machinists Guild was born with the creation of powerful war machines, notably improved by Cid nan Garlond. Machinists use all of this technological knowledge in combat.
- The Machinist is a ranged damage job that can also provide some support to his party.
- You must have access to Ishgard and complete the Instructor Not Found quest to unlock the job.
- Actions
- Features
- Talents
- Lv. 1: Split Shot
- Lv. 2: Bullet Shot
- Lv. 4: Reloading
- Lv. 6: Pelletshot
- Lv.8: Heartbreaker
- Lv. 10: Leg Flayer
- Lv.12: Reassembly
- Lv. 15: Blank Shot
- Lv. 18: Scattered Shot
- Lv. 22: Flayer's Foot
- Lv. 26: Quick Reload
- Lv. 30: Unleashed Shot
- Lv.30: Rapid fire
- Lv. 30: Unleashed Shot
- Lv. 34: Head Flayer
- Nv. 35: Tir net
- Lv. 38: Soaring
- Lv.40: Self-turret Tower
- Lv.40: Auto-Turret Recovery
- Lv. 42: Underpromotion
- Lv.45: Suppression shot
- Lv. 46: Grenade Shot
- Lv.50: Mad Auto Turret
- Nv.50: Low breeze
- Lv. 52: Gauss Cannon
- Lv. 54: Gauss Discharge
- Lv. 56: Mindbreaker
- Nv.58 : Hypercharge
- Nv.60 : Ricochet
- Lv.8: Improved Dexterity
- Lv. 14: Slow Pellet Shot
- Lv.16: Improved Dexterity II
- Lv.20: Damage of actions increased
- Lv. 24: Improved Dexterity III
- Lv. 28: Accelerated Reassembly
- Lv. 32: Sharper Reload
- Lv. 36: Improved Scatter Shot
- Lv.40: Damage of actions increased II
- Lv. 44: Improved Rapidfire
- Lv. 48: Improved Blaze
- Archer Lv. 4: Furious Shot
- Archer Lv. 26: Falcon Eye
- Archer Lv. 34: Silent Strike.
- Master of Hast: Lv. 2: Feint
- Hastmaster Lv. 6: Defensive Volley
- Master of Hast Lv. 22: Motivation
- Hastmaster Lv. 34: Thoroughbred