Adventurer, adventurer! You are constantly asked to save Eorzea, you face increasingly strong enemies and travel greater distances every day. During your level 30 Epic, come to the Eastern Forest, and treat yourself to a dream holiday in an idyllic setting: the Haukke Manor. Dame Amandine will welcome you as it should and her staff will take care of you.
Enjoy a warm decoration and the good humor of your hostess during your stay.
The principle of the manor is simple: go around the ground floor and the basement to then access the 1st floor. To do this you are going to need small keys to open locked doors to find the keys to the objectives.

ground floor card
We start our exploration with the rez-de-chaussée. Let's take a left! Beware of the monsters in the hallway, there is a patrol yet the sweet name "Maid of the manor". Avoid his zone spell: it inflicts you Terror and you stay planted like a flowerpot for a few seconds.
Go to the first room on the left to pick up a small key.
Continue your progress in the hallway. First go to the left room to open a chest then the one on the right. Here you are using a small key to open the door. Another small key is in this new room.
Open the door to the south to take a second chest.

Head back down the hall to the next room on the left. Be careful, there are two patrols. This corner can quickly become dangerous. Pick up a new one small key in the room.
Before you go to Rose Hall, explore the last room to the north to open the chest hiding there.
You've finished looting the ground floor, it's time to face the first boss in the Hall of Roses: Manor Clavière. Like the maids, she uses an area spell to inflict you Terror. She also appreciates the Extra Feu and others. Pay attention and the victory will be simple.
The enemy defeated, the Clef du Gui, the object of your first objective appears.
You can now go through the door of the same name and explore the basement.

Basement map
At the bottom of the stairs pick up the small key.
Go forward by taking a left and continue your progress. You will have several rooms to open and you will find chests and other small keys.

In the southern part of the map you will find the Key to the eyelet, second objective of the dungeon. It is in the room "the cellar".
After going over the barricade and exploring the last room (where a small key is), you can open the eyelet door. Two bosses await you: the Mansion Steward and the Mansion Jester. Kill the jester first. Be very careful with area effect spells, the situation can quickly escalate if you take too much.
The two enemies killed, the bloodied parchment appears, object of third objective.
Direction the first floor. To get back to the ground floor faster, you can use repatriation. Go up the stairs and deactivate the barrier. An enemy awaits you behind. Get rid of it and explore the last room to the south: one last chest is there.

It's time to face the final boss: Lady Amandine. The Lady is determined not to let you out of her mansion alive! You will have to avoid area effects spells, kill adds and disable them. sinister lanterns when they appear in the four corners of the room.

sinister lantern
When the PV of Lady Amandine will be low (around 20%) it will summon multiple creatures. You will have to kill them while they are alive, the Lady is invincible. Feel free to use DPS Transcendence to take them down quickly.
Non-exhaustive list of booty :
- Weapons:
- ethereal halberd
- Ethereal Silver Scepter
- Ethereal Reinforced Ibex Leather Grimoire
- Pourfend-l'Èbe
- Fists of Bergand
- leather student grimoire
- All classes:
- ethereal lapis lazuli earrings
- ethereal horn ring
- ethereal danburite ring
- ethereal sunstone ring
- ethereal spheres bracelet
- Ethereal Malachite Choker
- Ethereal Fluorite Choker
- Ethereal Sunstone Choker
- ethereal silver (garnet) tiara
- Fighters:
- Ethereal Toad Leather Traveler's Belt
- ethereal velveteen pants
- GLA - MRD - PLD - GUE:
- ethereal steel sabatons
- ethereal steel gauntlets
- ethereal steel plate belt
- ethereal steel breastplate
What did you think of this dungeon? For my part, I found the atmosphere very successful!